Re-watched #Rubin&Ed (1991) film by #TrentHarris (director) on #CathodeCinema the other day and was compelled to make some #typography #fanart to share here. If a person were to use it as their avatar my heart would leap! Echo People Unite!
( Who Am I )
#FavoriteFilm #WhoAmI #FreeButtons #GraphicDesign #thePowerofPositiveRealestate #PPR #RealEstate #Cats #RubinandEd #PlatformShoes #1990s #film #Mahler #IamtheKingoftheEchoPeople #EchoPeople #Utah #CrispinGlover #HowardHesseman
#rubin #trentharris #cathodecinema #typography #FanArt #favoritefilm #whoami #freebuttons #graphicdesign #thepowerofpositiverealestate #ppr #realestate #cats #rubinanded #platformshoes #1990s #film #Mahler #iamthekingoftheechopeople #echopeople #utah #crispinglover #howardhesseman
I'm watching "Back to the Future." Seeing #CrispinGlover reminds me of the time my friend & I were at House of Wax (the #Brooklyn Alamo Drafthouse bar) & my friend commented that one of the wax figures in the bar looked exactly like Crispin Glover. Ten minutes later, the real Crispin Glover walked into the bar & looked at the wax figure. We were aghast. The best we could figure out is he had people who overheard us tell him what we said. We learned later he was at Alamo for a Q&A. #Freaky.
#freaky #brooklyn #crispinglover
On June 20, 2003, the remake of Willard debuted in Spain. Here’s some Crispin Glover art to mark the occasion!
#Willard #Willard2003 #CrispinGlover #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #PsychologicalHorror #2000sHorror #HorrorFanArt #PsychologicalThriller #CultMovies #BlackAndWhiteArt #HorrorArt #MovieHistory
#willard #willard2003 #crispinglover #horror #horrormovies #horrorart #psychologicalhorror #2000shorror #horrorfanart #psychologicalthriller #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #moviehistory
#Bales2023FilmChallenge - May 31 - Movie Filmed in Utah
Rubin and Ed (1991)
My all-time favorite surrealist indie comedy about an individual in extremely fashionable platform shoes burying their cat.
Here's a new drawing of Crispin Glover for today's prompt!
#RubinAndEd #ComedyMovies #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #Art #FanArt #CrispinGlover
#bales2023filmchallenge #rubinanded #comedymovies #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #art #FanArt #crispinglover
We all know that George McFly and Joey from Back to the Future are endgame. #BacktotheFuture #BTTF #GeorgeMcFly #CrispinGlover #Joey #JoeyNewington
#backtothefuture #bttf #georgemcfly #crispinglover #joey #joeynewington
On March 14, 2003, the remake of Willard debuted in Canada and the United States. Here’s some Crispin Glover art to mark the occasion!
#Willard #Willard2003 #CrispinGlover #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #PsychologicalHorror #2000sHorror #HorrorFanArt #PsychologicalThriller #CultMovies #BlackAndWhiteArt #HorrorArt #MovieHistory
#willard #willard2003 #crispinglover #horror #horrormovies #horrorart #psychologicalhorror #2000shorror #horrorfanart #psychologicalthriller #cultmovies #blackandwhiteart #moviehistory
258 Days Until #halloween
#halloween #halloweencountdown #vhs #willard #crispinglover
#NowWatching Happy #Fridaythe13th Jason fights his most dangerous foe #CoreyFeldman in #Fridaythe13thPart4 or its more infamous title #Fridaythe13thTheFinalChapter
#JasonVoorhees #CrystalLake #CrispinGlover #80sHorror #Horrormovies #Horrormovie #Fridaythe13thPartIV
#fridaythe13thpartiv #horrormovie #horrormovies #80sHorror #crispinglover #crystallake #jasonvoorhees #fridaythe13ththefinalchapter #fridaythe13thpart4 #coreyfeldman #fridaythe13th #nowwatching
Huey Lewis and the News - The Power of Love (Back to the Future)
#backtothefuture #hueylewis #MichaelJFox #ChristopherLloyd #LeaThompson #CrispinGlover #ThomasFWilson #ClaudiaWells
#backtothefuture #HueyLewis #michaeljfox #christopherlloyd #leathompson #crispinglover #thomasfwilson #claudiawells
#CurrentlyWatching #RubinAndEd #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #CrispinGlover @CrispinGlover
Rubin & Ed on Letterboxd
#CurrentlyWatching #rubinanded #BadMovie #BadMovieNight #crispinglover