Listening to Bloody Keep and eating crisps. What a great Friday ๐ธ
All Scotland ๐ซ๐ฎ special!
Taylors barbecue lentil waves
Mackie's ridge cut sweet chilli
The taylors a nice light lentil wave. strong sweet and smoky flavour. Texture feels a little glossy in the mouth.
The mackie's basics right. the flavour more like smoked chilli than sweet. still nice but could be punchier.
i'd be happy to buy both of these again but the mackie's just edge it.
going to which shop for crisps?
Taylors salt & vinegar lentil waves
Lidl sea salt and lime tortilla chips
The Taylors small wave shapes, nice taste and texture. Flavouring not too special
The Chips are crunchy, not much flavour.
I don't think I'd pick either of these again unless there wasn't much choice. Slightly prefer the Taylors
Insane Grain salt & vinegar flavour knobbly sticks
Oho! lentil chips "cheese" flavour
Despite being branded healthy, the Insane Grain have a pretty good texture (35% sorghum flour). The flavouring not very strong but not unpleasant either. Would try again.
I've been avoiding the Oho! lentil chips because they seem to be less fluffy and light. But I haven't tried this flavour before. Very tasty. Texture still just ok. I prefer these slightly to the Insane Grain.
opened my big bag of cassava chips ๐ธ
watch out for east Asian food shops for these, very tasty
Pijo Limon Y Pimenta of Spain ๐ต๐น which I have been looking forward to all week, vs Jack 'n Jill Spicy Barbecue of Philippines ๐ฑ๐ท which look shit but were the only vegan thing in the Chung Hua that I haven't tried yet.
The Pijo are even tastier than the garlic flavour. Not much pepper taste but lots of lemon and a great texture.
The Jack 'n Jill worse than even I expected. Nothing with this many ingredients should taste this bland. I'd describe them as a mild paprika, not a great texture.
Salt And Vinegar Lentil Waves by Mackie's ๐ฌ๐ท
Ajo Cabaรฑil by Pijo ๐ต๐น
Reliable Mackie's with another great new crisp, great flavour, not strong but nice. The texture of the lentil puffs is light, crisp and consistent.
The Pijo a clear winner though. Garlic flavour not as powerful as I'd hoped but nicely balanced. The texture crunchy but melt in the mouth. Awesome crisps.
#Crisps #CrispAlert #CrispWatch
OHO! Red Crocodiles are back in Home Bargain ๐ธ ๐ :goose_honk:
#crispwatch #crispalert #crisps
Picked up some Umbrella Brand Cassava Chips from the Chung Hua Supermarket in Liverpool. Pretty tasty. Nice texture and flavour, just the right amount of salt to bring out the natural flavour of the cassava and frying oil.
walkers max strong wasabi flavour is back. on coated nuts. a very pale shadow of what they used to be, complete cop out, poor texture, bland flavour, avoid.
Colbee Harvest Snaps Thai Sweet Chili Crispy Lentil Puffs. You think the fennel seeds are going to overpower the spice mix when you taste them but the other flavours come though. Texture isn't so good but would buy again.
vs Mackie's Pickled Onion. Straight cut crisps, nice texture. No dairy which is unusual for oniony crisps. These just about win it for me.
I raided one of the Polish shops in Widnes so it's an all slavic today.
ลapsy praลผynki karbowane o smaku paprvkowym of Poland ๐ฎ๐ฉ
Smoki original of Serbia ๐ญ๐ท
The ลapsy are really nice light texture. Much more delicate them most paprika crisps
The Smoki original are like wotsits. The don't taste very peanutty but the bag stinks of them
For me it's the ลapsy, might try some of their other flavours.
Mizuho brand Japanese Rice Cracker Kakinotane of Thailand ๐ฐ๐ต
Samyang Hot Chicken Flavour Zzaldduk of Republic of Korea ๐ฏ๐ต
The Kakinotane are a nice cresent shaped red shiny rice cracker. Nice crunch and soy sauce taste. Slightly greasy mouth feel.
The Zzaldduk are in a black and red bag with a cartoon chicken on the front wearing a bikini and a nappy, rolling around and breathing fire. Possibly pissing and shitting too. Liverpool's hospitals have been in the highest state of crisis for 7 days with all staff diverted to A&E and elective care cancelled. So I'm tasting these sparingly. The look is kind of like Wheat Crunchies, little ribbed wheat tubes. Crunchy, a little too sweet for me. Heat on the edge of unpleasant, so just right.
Both of these snacks were good, the Zzaldduk just edge it for me.
I don't have anything lined up for #CrispWatch this week as I haven't been shopping. I can do a request or have a week off.
Emily Veg Sticks simply sea salt sweet potato
Aldi "turkey" & stuffing tortilla chips
Veg sticks really hard, don't taste of anything. Very annoying that they fucked up sweet potato somehow.
Aldi tortilla chips: tasty, pleasant crunch, shape of christmas trees. Definitely better.
Jacobs Crinklys Cheese & Onion
Seabrook Loaded Rings Zingy Prawn Cocktail
Jacobs are vegetarian not vegan. I'm picking them because their workers won a labour dispute. Texture nice. Taste quite chemical. Not great.
Seabrooks, taste not great. Not even ring shaped.
I prefer the Jacobs out of the two but I wouldn't buy either again.
I've started posting my crisp tasting on #CrispWatch if you're into crisps.
Oho Red Crocodile Snacks vs Pop Disks BBQ Flavour
Maybe it's the cold talking but these are both pretty good.
The red crocodiles are pleasantly plump little crocs, nice texture, definitely taste of tomato sauce.
The pop disks: crisp, smoky, nice flavour. Just a little better than the crocs imo.
oho lentil chips, sourcream & onion
lidl hummus bites, tomato and basil
more flavour in the oho chips, not as crunchy as the chili flavour
nice crunch to the aldi own brand but very bland taste
i don't think id buy either again but oho are definitely better
Seabrooks Loaded Fries Seaside Salt & Vinegar Flavour
Oho Lentil Chips Flaming Hot
The Seabrooks fries are pretty basic salt n vinegar flavour. Fries much smaller than the bag art.
The Oho chips are not flaming hot. Pleasant heat with a little slow build up. Crunchier than the Seabrooks, definitely win the head to head.