4 Glasfaserkabel durchtrennt. Nichts fliegt mehr.
Code/Spaces. #critcode
Also don't miss @Nonny and others tomorrow night:
How Has Computer Code Shaped Humanity?
#critcode Zocalo
LACMA is serving up a #critcode feast! Coded: Art enters the Computer Age 1952-1982
And this event looks like a great #critcode discussion featuring @NonnyDLP
Check out Sonia Fizek's new #critcode reading:
Reading Between the Lines. JODI's% WRONG Browser. co. kr
Great Computational Poetics event at UCI as the Beall exhibition comes to a close. #critcode
Still playing with Anime Filter. This time with the book 10 PRINT. Little people sitting on the book!
#critcode #animefilter #10print
Here's what GPTchat said when I asked, "What's the extra-functional significance of computer source code?"
If you can understand literature to be a relationship with a conceit and linguistic creativity, you will find that it is more apparent how code can be poetry.
Excited to see this new book on Live Coding go live! by Alan Blackwell, Emma Cocker, Geoff Cox, Alex McLean, Thor Magnusson.
at USC and online
Rsvp: https://bit.ly/mermaidsatusc
#critcode #dh #eliterature #immersive #art
#critcode #dh #eliterature #immersive #art