Hey folks, released a new #CritHitReview today. Specifically my coverage of #indiegamedev
Daniel Benmergu's
's #indie #puzzler - #storyteller Check out the video @ https://youtu.be/Bu2SDZ5uTzQ
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indie #puzzler #storyteller
Hey folks, just released a new #CritHitReview- specifically the #hacknslash #indiegame 'Oni: Road to be The Mightiest Oni'. Give it a gander over here @ https://youtu.be/zsKQOcCNTtw .
#crithitreview #hacknslash #indiegame
Btw. New #CritHitReview. Specifically, I covered
Zeboyd Games' #Indiegame #RPG - This Way Madness Lies. Check it out @ https://youtu.be/R7L2AvAeXfw
#crithitreview #indiegame #rpg
Oh, btw. New #CritHitReview - since I just released my coverage of #IndieGameDev Brace Yourself Games' #indiegame Phantom Brigade
- check out the video @ https://youtu.be/hFF0eOrkiQQ
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indiegame
So, new #CritHitReview - Specifically, I took a look at #indiegamedev
Aetheric Games
- An arcade-infused puzzler. You can check out the video out
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indiegame #templeofsnek
Also new #CritHitReview - Specifically, I covered #IndieGameDev Enlit Games #Indiegame - Temple Of Starlight- A light based puzzle game. Check it out @ https://youtu.be/OH7M28_yd7E
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indiegame
New #CritHitReview. Namely my coverage of Way Forward 's #indiegame - River City Girls 2. Check it out @ https://youtu.be/VPfZXR_bzkU
Hey folks, it's a rare Triple #CritHitReview week- since I just released my coverage of #IndiegameDev Team Kwakwa's Stylish Combat-Centric #roguelite #Helvetii . Check out the video @ https://youtu.be/fDcwt0uzxdk
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #roguelite #helvetii
Hey Folks, New #CritHitReview released today- specifically, my coverage of #indiegamedev
Black Gate Studios 's #pointandclick #Puzzle #indiegame - Delirium- Check it out here @ https://youtu.be/bVaKI3AzXyE
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #pointandclick #puzzle #indiegame
ey folks, New #CritHitReview here, specifically, my coverage of
Item 42
's #Roguelite #indiegame - Perish.
Check it out here @ https://youtu.be/aOH7X3Hz1A8
#crithitreview #roguelite #indiegame
So, New #CritHitReview today- I covered
New Blood Interactives' #indiegame #Boomershooter Dusk, as part of my quest to play all of the Dave Syzmanski
games I could get my hands on. Check it out @ https://youtu.be/yGaJk1eYhxI
#crithitreview #indiegame #boomershooter
New #CritHitReview - and it's not indie for once, since I dove into Ubisoft 's Nostalgic #ScottPilgrimvstheworld game - given it's recent steam release. If you're a fan of #brawlers - check out the vid @ https://youtu.be/xrLOtsJMF-0
I have a fair amount to say about this port.
#crithitreview #scottpilgrimvstheworld #brawlers
Hey folks, just released a new #CritHitReview - Specifically, I covered
Dread bit Games
#Roguelike (Well, Lite) #Indiegame Seraph, which, still maintains a small but devoted online community. You can check out the review over @ https://youtu.be/qgySBJukepU
#crithitreview #roguelike #indiegame
Hey folks, new #CritHitReview - Specifically, I covered #Indiegamedev Dave Syzmanski's
#fpsgame - Chop Goblins. Check out what I had to say about this bitesized Boomer Shooter over @ https://youtu.be/XNT5yRbqBvQ
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #fpsgame
Hey Folks, new #CritHitReview today- specifically, I covered
The Parasight 's #indiegame #BLACKTAIL - You can check out my thoughts on the experience over here @ https://youtu.be/zVN_alvJNf0.
#crithitreview #indiegame #blacktail
hey folks, New #CritHitReview today. Specifically, I covered #IndieGameDev
Blue Brain Games
#indiegame House Of Da Vinci 3. You can check out the video over here @ https://youtu.be/cD495VvbQ70
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indiegame
Oh, Right. New #CritHitReview folks- since I also covered #indiegamedev
Cosmo Gatto's #indiegame #Aka - You can check out the review over here @ https://youtu.be/_dKwRJmlgoE
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #indiegame #aka
Hey folks, I released a new #CrithitReview - specifically my coverage of Kaigan Games
#horror #indiegame - Simulacra 3. Check out the video over @ https://youtu.be/ciQ87H8_XiQ
#crithitreview #horror #indiegame
Hey folks, new #CrithitReview today. Specifically I covered #IndieGameDev
#Horror #indiegame - #ChooChooCharles . Check out the video over @ https://youtu.be/lMFVxE8C15c
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #horror #indiegame #choochoocharles
Hey folks, new #CrithitReview today. Specifically I covered #IndieGameDev
#Horror #indiegame - #ChooChooCharles . Check out the video over @ https://youtu.be/lMFVxE8C15c
#crithitreview #indiegamedev #horror #indiegame #choochoocharles