I'm helping 2 faculty develop an u-grad Library & Archival Studies Concentration in Africana Studies, in part to encourage students to pursue their MLIS. We're creating an intro LIS foundations class & I'm helping to craft a module on the history of the profession.
I have 3 broad categories of content:
1) History of LIBRARIES: establishment of public libraries, efforts to integrate libraries, collections (whose voice gets included/excluded)
2) History of LIBRARY WORKERS: feminized/white; race, racism, segregation; professionalization
3) History of LIBRARY WORK: collection building & description, evolution of subject classification; consortial collections/reference, resource sharing; technology and the transformation of library work; labor/unionization
What are some topics + readings that you think are essential? Share here👇 or DM for access to my draft doc. Thanks!
#libraries #librarians #AcademicLibraries #PublicLibraries #archives #GLAM #CriticalLibrarianship #library #LIS
#libraries #librarians #academiclibraries #publiclibraries #archives #glam #criticalLibrarianship #library #lis
Re-posting this in the hopes of reaching more folks, with thanks to those who've already connected with me and helped out...
Hi #librarians and #libraries folks. I'm mentoring some awesome faculty who are creating an undergraduate Library & Archival Studies Concentration in Africana Studies at their institution. The purpose of the concentration is to encourage undergraduates to pursue MLIS degrees.
One of the things we're focusing on is developing an introductory #LIS foundations class. I've been brainstorming possible things to cover and would love your input and ideas.
Currently I've organized things by:
1) Things library folks need to know
2) Things library folks (may) need to do
3) Professional pathways (a set of perspectives for framing the content)
DM if you'd like to contribute to my brainstorming doc, or add your thoughts here👇
#PublicLibraries #archives #GLAM #AcademicLibraries #library #CriticalLibrarianship
#librarians #libraries #lis #publiclibraries #archives #glam #academiclibraries #library #criticalLibrarianship
“Turning it Off and Back On Again: Speculative Digital librarianship”
First info session THIS WEEK:
🗓️ Wednesday, March 15 🗓️
Join us to learn more about the issue and how you can be part of it!
Details and registration:
#library #archives #culturalHeritage #digitalPreservation #specialCollections #digitalLibraries #criticalLibrarianship #WeCanDoBetterThanThisRight
#library #archives #culturalheritage #digitalpreservation #specialcollections #digitallibraries #criticalLibrarianship #wecandobetterthanthisright
What aspects of human relationships to what we regard as "information" might change if instead of "discovery layers" these things were referred to as "encounter layers"?
Where else can inaccurate, ahistorical uses of "discovery" be removed from LIS work? #critLib #criticalLibrarianship
#critlib #criticalLibrarianship
instructor: J. D. Sargan
See full course description and apply using QR code or link in bio!
#queerbibliography #bibliography #bibliographer #queerarchives #documentingqueerhistory #queerhistory #digitalarchives #queerarchives #libraries #archives #criticallibrarianship #critlib #LGBTQIA2S+ #textualobjects #books #papers #histories #criticaltheory #literature #biography #queer #summerschool #continuingeducation
#queerbibliography #bibliography #bibliographer #queerarchives #documentingqueerhistory #queerhistory #digitalarchives #libraries #archives #criticalLibrarianship #critlib #lgbtqia2s #textualobjects #books #papers #histories #criticaltheory #literature #biography #queer #summerschool #continuingeducation
instructor: Mali Collins
See full description and apply using QR code or link in bio!
#HBCU #HBCUarchives #HBCUlibraries #libraries #archives #recordkeeping #scraptheory #criticallibrarianship #critlib #critlibrary #archival #Blackfeminist #methodologies #fragmentation #Blackarchives #pedagogy
#hbcu #hbcuarchives #hbculibraries #libraries #archives #recordkeeping #scraptheory #criticalLibrarianship #critlib #critlibrary #archival #blackfeminist #methodologies #fragmentation #blackarchives #pedagogy
instructor: Emily Drabinski
Apply using QR code or link in bio!
#critlib #criticallibrarianship #librarianship #powerrelations #libraries #archives #librarywork #libraryworkers #criticaltheory #criticalstudies #continuingeducation #cataloging #classification #libraryjustice #justice #socialjustice #praxis #futurity
#critlib #criticalLibrarianship #librarianship #powerrelations #libraries #archives #librarywork #libraryWorkers #criticaltheory #criticalstudies #continuingeducation #cataloging #classification #libraryjustice #justice #socialjustice #praxis #futurity
Applications for the Radical Librarianship Institute are now open! Deadline for first round review: March 3, 2023. Thanks to the Mellon Foundation, participation is fully covered for invited participants (this includes, airfare, lodging, and many meals!).
Full description of the program and application process available using QR code and link in bio.
#radicallibrarianship #criticallibrarianship #communitypublishing #communitylibrarianship #pedagogy #activism #printculture #librarianship
#radicallibrarianship #criticalLibrarianship #communitypublishing #communitylibrarianship #pedagogy #activism #printculture #librarianship
For full course description go to calrbs.org/courses/upcomi… or use the QR code!
#critlib #criticallibrarianship #pedagogy #specialcollections #library #archives #primarysources #digitalpedagogy #criticaltheory #praxis #theory #informationliteracy
#critlib #criticalLibrarianship #pedagogy #specialcollections #library #archives #Primarysources #digitalpedagogy #criticaltheory #praxis #theory #informationliteracy
Hello! This account moderated by @robdmontoya, director of CalRBS. CalRBS is a #ucla based organization that is dedicated to: #pedagogy; #ContinuingEducation; #libraries; #RareBooks; #BookHistory; #bibliography; #SpecialCollections; #manuscripts; #CriticalLibrarianship #critlib; International programs. #calrbs believes in education that integrates #socialjustice and #ethics in its curriculum. Trying to expand what it means to do #globalbibliography and #globallibrarianship. (www.calrbsorg)
#ucla #pedagogy #continuingeducation #libraries #rarebooks #bookhistory #bibliography #specialcollections #manuscripts #criticalLibrarianship #critlib #calrbs #socialjustice #ethics #globalbibliography #globallibrarianship
Hello! This account moderated by https://mastodon.social/@robdmontoya , director of CalRBS. CalRBS is a #ucla based organization that is dedicated to: #pedagogy; #ContinuingEducation; #libraries; #RareBooks; #BookHistory; #bibliography; #SpecialCollections; #manuscripts; #CriticalLibrarianship #critlib; International programs. #calrbs believes in education that integrates #socialjustice and #ethics in its curriculum. Trying to expand what it means to do #globalbibliography and #globallibrarianship.
#globallibrarianship #globalbibliography #ethics #socialjustice #calrbs #critlib #criticalLibrarianship #manuscripts #specialcollections #bibliography #bookhistory #rarebooks #libraries #continuingeducation #pedagogy #ucla
Some hashtags in the hopes of being found by folks who also like these things
#oralHistory #queerHistory #digitalLibrarianship #criticalLibrarianship #communityDocumentation #transHistory
#transhistory #communityDocumentation #criticalLibrarianship #digitalLibrarianship #queerhistory #oralhistory