Join us TOMORROW, 15:00 (CET) for this online talk on #CriticalDataLiteracy and #PoliticalLiteracy for primary school kids:
#criticaldataliteracy #politicalliteracy
Next week, our #criticaldataliteracy practice series continues:
On Wednesday, May 31, 15:00 (CET), Dr Christian Goessinger & Mirjam Wenzel speak about political media literacy & how to create learning resources for primary school kids.
Join us online for their 15min input with plenty of time for questions and discussion afterwards!
The event is public, so feel free to invite friends and colleagues.
All information & the link can be found here:
We are starting a new practice-oriented event series! Over the next months, practitioners will share their experiences in practically fostering #criticaldataliteracy in regular online events.
We're starting off the event series with an input by Brett Gaylor next Monday, May 8, 17-18:00 CET.
You may know Brett Gaylor from his popular online series Do Not Track ( ) or his interactive documentary Discriminator ( ).
Brett also researches his creative approach to critical data literacy and will reflect on his various experiences in his talk:
"Creatively Researching Critical Data Literacy"
Link to the event & more information can be found here:
Now that we've had some time to get to know the Mastodon world, it's time for a proper #introduction !
We are the "Critical Big Data and Algorithmic Literacy Network" - an international, interdisciplinary network of researchers & practitioners who are interested in critical #education about #data & #datafication.
Our projects include:
- a database for online educational resources about data
- a (German) glossary on terms related to digital sovereignty
- a debate series on #criticaldataliteracy
You can find the database, glossary & more information on our network on our website:
Our next project is a online event series on the practice-side of critical data literacy: different educators and creators of online resources will present & discuss their best practice insights on how to implement critical data literacy.
We look forward to connecting with other scholars & practitioners on here! If you're interested in #criticaldataliteracy , feel free to reach out!
#introduction #Education #data #datafication #criticaldataliteracy
In the hope that not all of you have fled the ship yet: We have one last event of our #criticaldataliteracy debate series to announce!
Next Thurs (Dec 8) at 15:00 (UTC+1), talks about:
"Exteriority and Ubiquity: Two questions about power structures in education"
This is happening TODAY! Join us for a quick coffee break & discuss issues around #datafication and #criticaldataliteracy with us.
Link & more info here:
#Datafication #criticaldataliteracy