@jimothy @AbhijoyChakladar @ketaminh I’m very lucky the department where I work actively encourages rest and sleep. We do have trainee and consultant on call rooms which are comfortable, quiet, private and mostly dark. It’s part of the reason I chose to work there as a consultant. #rest #assosiationOfAnaesthetists #FightFatigue #CriticalDecisionMaking #SleepDebt #FatigueIncreasesErrors
#rest #assosiationofanaesthetists #fightfatigue #criticaldecisionmaking #sleepdebt #fatigueincreaseserrors
@sethina I use TIVA quite a lot. So I extubate, awake on the bed in theatre. I usually say open your eyes and as soon as they do I deflate the cuff and extubate. Sometimes I use an NP but I find they just breathe. I do think extubation is under recognised as a critical decision. Interested to learn about others practice! #anaesthesia #Extubation #CriticalDecisionMaking #Learning #LifeLongLearning #CPD
#anaesthesia #extubation #criticaldecisionmaking #learning #lifelonglearning #CPD