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Scientists sound the alarm over dramatic loss of 3 billion in : ‘We’re watching … happen’

Story by Brittany Davies, July 14, 2023

"Since the 1970s, bird enthusiasts have watched the skies empty and heard the go silent as nearly 3 billion birds vanished in North America. Disturbed by the findings of an expansive body of research, scientists across the globe are sounding the alarm as half of the world’s bird populations are in decline.

"Found in every corner of the world from the snowy tundra of the to the lush rainforests of the , birds play a critical role in maintaining the delicate balance of their . Robust and diverse bird populations advance , help transport , and fertilize the with their droppings.

"Observing and cataloging these fascinating creatures has long been a popular hobby and an important source of data for researchers and conservationists. Thanks in part to reporting sites such as eBird, researchers have collected a wealth of information documenting the troubling decline of bird populations on nearly every continent.

"Peter Marra, a conservation biologist and dean of Georgetown University’s Institute, and his colleagues studied multiple bird-monitoring datasets and found a disturbing trend. Using different methods to estimate population changes, Marra told Knowable Magazine, 'they all told us the same thing, which was that we’re watching the process of extinction happen.'"

However, the article goes on to say:

"Although the situation may seem dire, the news is not all bad. The tireless work of conservationists has restored numerous bird species from the edge of extinction, and populations of wetland species are increasing due in part to political action to protect their habitats. These stories of hope show that it is not impossible to reverse the decline.

"In addition to supporting wide-scale change and devoting resources to protecting , restoring the bird population can begin in your local community and even your own . Take action at home by creating a by growing and providing safe spaces for birds to eat, rest, and reproduce. Join a birding organization and participate in bird data collection.

"The knowledge shared across important crowd-sourced databases provides essential information to researchers on the state of birds."

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Last updated 1 year ago