When critical thinking isn't enough: to beat information overload, we need to learn 'critical ignoring' https://theconversation.com/when-critical-thinking-isnt-enough-to-beat-information-overload-we-need-to-learn-critical-ignoring-198549 “Critical ignoring is the ability to choose what to ignore and where to invest one’s limited attentional capacities. #Criticalignoring is more than just not paying attention – it’s about practising #mindful and healthy habits in the face of #InformationOverabundance.
We understand it as a core competence for all citizens in the #DigitalWorld.”
#criticalignoring #mindful #informationoverabundance #digitalworld
Kritisches Denken hab ich bereits von meinen Eltern beigebracht bekommen (und bin dafür dankbar). #CriticalIgnoring hingegen hab ich autodidaktisch erlernt und war mir bis heute kein Begriff - ist aber eine sinnvolle Komepetenz im digitalen Zeitalter des Information Overkills https://utopia.de/ratgeber/critical-ignoring-warum-kritsches-denken-nicht-reicht/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-de-DE
New #Podcast episode alert!
Yes, @louisew & I are behind the mikes yet again! We talk about:
👉 Whether you can bring #Love into the #Workplace
👉 Tackling #ClimateChange by firing dust from the #Moon to make a sunshade around our Earth (prep for swearing here)
👉 The wisdom of #CriticalIgnoring to improve #information flows (and why someone called me a bigot for it)
Hope that you enjoy!
#Conversation #Culture #Society #Listening #Friends #Debate
#podcast #love #workplace #climatechange #moon #criticalignoring #information #conversation #culture #society #listening #friends #debate
“When critical thinking isn’t enough: to beat information overload, we need to learn ‘critical ignoring’.” Hertwig, Kozyreva, Wineburg, and @stworg 2023. #TheConversation Europe. https://theconversation.com/when-critical-thinking-isnt-enough-to-beat-information-overload-we-need-to-learn-critical-ignoring-198549
#theconversation #informationoverload #criticalignoring
The web is an informational paradise and a hellscape at the same time. But there are concrete ways in which we can protect ourselves from information overload.
Read this helpfull article about #criticalthinking and #criticalignoring via @The ConversationUS
#criticalthinking #criticalignoring
Critical Thinking Isn't Enough. Time for Critical Ignoring. | FlaglerLive
Critical ignoring is the ability to choose what to ignore and where to invest one’s limited attentional capacities. Critical ignoring is more than just not paying attention – it’s about practising mindful and healthy habits in the face of information overabundance.
#criticalthinking #criticalignoring
This is my #NewYearsResolution, by the way: to improve my #CriticalIgnoring skills. To choose my fights carefully. 😀 @stworg
#newyearsresolution #criticalignoring
#CriticalIgnoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens
"Reading a text from beginning to end to critically evaluate it [...] often ends up being a colossal waste of time and energy. [...] As long as students are led to believe that critical thinking requires above all the effortful processing of text, they will continue to fall prey to informational traps and manipulated signals of epistemic quality."
I don't remember who recommended this paper, but: thank you! 🙏
“Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens”
#criticalthinking #digitalinformation #lateralreading #self #deliberateignorance #criticalignoring
Loved reading this post by @SamWinenburg: "To navigate the dangers of the web, you need critical thinking – but also critical ignoring.
Loved reading this post by @SamWinenburg: "To navigate the dangers of the web, you need critical thinking – but also critical ignoring.