I finally got around to scanning a series of printed slides (okay, decal-ed slides) that I produced as an art project last spring. (Shout out to the wonderful work of the Creative Futures #HASTAC group, who let me show it last June.) IU has some archival quality scanners, so I got these HUGE scans of each of the slides.
The idea was to overlap two images in different colors (Red and blue) to think about how aspects of medicine which are shown to the public (happy people living in sanatoria) are interlinked with the really awful extractive practices of scientific medicine. The material I used were related to tuberculosis around 1900.
These I love because both images kind of get lost in a kind of abstraction.
#HASTAC #dh #criticalmaking #artsbasedresearch
🚨 Abstract Deadline Tomorrow!!! 🚨
#DigitalBias #DigitalHumanities #CommunityArchives #DigitalArt #Storytelling
#SpeculativeDesign #AlgorithmicBias #DesignJustice #CriticalFabulation #IntersectionalFeminism #CriticalMaking
#digitalbias #digitalhumanities #CommunityArchives #digitalart #storytelling #speculativedesign #algorithmicbias #designjustice #criticalfabulation #intersectionalfeminism #criticalmaking
RT @Equals_EU: EQUALS-EU is one of the 8️⃣ EU-pioneering projects which strengthen women's participation in STEM fields.
Here the panphlet "Bridging the gender gap in STEM": https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/6e12c6e5-3d47-11ed-9c68-01aa75ed71a1/language-e
with @scientix_eu @letsgeps @CaliperEu @ripeerseu
#criticalmaking @shemakes_eu
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPublications/status/1621593034373709826
Habe den Prototypen für den weihnachtlichen Löt-Workshop nächste Woche gebastelt, hat schon mal gut funktioniert. Habe aber noch Verbesserungs Ideen.. Die fertige Version seht ihr hoffentlich von Teilnehmenden gebastelt nächste Woche 😊
Wir sind Freitag wieder im Jupiter von 15-17 Uhr
#DigitaleBildung #CriticalMaking #hamburg #lötenlernen
#digitalebildung #criticalmaking #hamburg #lotenlernen
Hi all! :blobcatwave:
I'm a #MediaStudies & #FeministSTS scholar who focuses on bias, labor & materiality in #AI, #Platforms & historical media. I'm an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University in the School of Arts, Media & Engineering. Right now I'm working on a project about Etsy, #MachineLearning & repurposed tech.
Some of my other interests include: #MediaHistory, #CriticalMaking, #FashionTech & #Games.
I've also done research on #ContentModeration & #Misinformation.
#Introduction #misinformation #contentmoderation #Games #FashionTech #criticalmaking #mediahistory #MachineLearning #platforms #AI #FeministSTS #mediastudies
I'm in a super-supportive, truly-interdisciplinary department and *Monday* is the deadline to apply to the faculty search job I'm chairing. We're looking for someone interested in helping grad and undergrad students conceive and create playable media projects. If you're wondering if you might be a fit, you probably are!
#academicJobs #facultyHiring #gameDev #eLit #criticalMaking #digitalArt
#academicjobs #facultyhiring #gamedev #elit #criticalmaking #digitalArt
Nave à Vela, a Brazilian organization co-founded by @weareGIG member Miguel Chaves is fostering innovation amongst school children with their Curricular Base for a Culture of #Innovation #criticalmaking #makereducation https://wikifactory.com/+criticalmaking/stories/sailing-on-knowledge-waves
#MakerEducation #criticalmaking #innovation
My paper Rematerialising Digital Technologies Through Critical Making is available here:
#art #making #xcoax2022 #criticalmaking
It's time for your #feedback ⏰ Help us to make NODE better and share your #NODE20 experience with us in a short survey ➡️ https://tinyurl.com/yyg44bg4
Photographer: Erie Ehrenberg
#NODE20 #SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR
#vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20 #feedback
The Emergency Broadcast Studio is loading with the great help of SATIS&FY, NSYNK, Hergarten Interactive Environments, Stage Precision and Stype. Check out our first day of preparation at Mousonturm.
#NODE20 #SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign#UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR
#vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20
Have you already spotted us somewhere in #Frankfurt? Send us your #NODE20 poster shots!
Designed by Maria Fröhlich & Susanne Duswald
Key visual by Michael Burk & Ann-Katrin Krenz http://andand.xyz/
#SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR #AI
#AI #vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20 #frankfurt
Let us introduce you to our Emergency Broadcast Studio, the place where panels, lectures and project presentations will be broadcasted to a worldwide audience and creative community. An augmented reality setup will connect our speakers and audience members online and on-site. Explore the program: https://20.nodeforum.org/program/conference/
#DigitalFestival #SecondNature #AugmentedReality #AR
#generativedesign #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking
#criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #generativedesign #ar #augmentedreality #secondnature #DigitalFestival
Welcome to our Festival Hub: Explore #NODE20’s digital space to network, attend workshops, feature your projects and share your ideas. More infos: https://20.nodeforum.org/festival-hub/
Support us with only 50€ to access the full program and to enjoy the whole online experience.
#DigitalFestival #SecondNature #mediaarts #CreativeCoding #vvvv #VL #criticalmaking #AV #AR #VR #AI powered by talque
#AI #vr #ar #av #criticalmaking #vl #vvvv #creativecoding #mediaarts #secondnature #DigitalFestival #NODE20
#NODE20 #panel Distributed Imagination: Refik Anadol & Friends. Look behind the curtains of a multi-disciplinary, globally spread team co-creating large-scale installations and immersive data sculptures. Follow along the creative journey of Refik Anadol, Luna Nane, Simon Weckert, Arístides García, Sebastiano Barbieri, hosted by David Brüll.
Detailed description: https://tinyurl.com/y28lxt4g
#SecondNature #vvvv #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance
#performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #vvvv #secondnature #panel #NODE20
If you haven't saved the date and bought your ticket yet, it is time now! #NODE20 is happening in only 1 month and we can't wait to meet all of you soon. 🤩 Save your spot and support us here: 20.nodeforum.org/tickets/
#SecondNature #mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv
#creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR #AI #AugmentedReality
#augmentedreality #AI #vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #mediaarts #secondnature #NODE20
Get one of the first tickets and join #NODE20 from wherever you are. As COVID-19 affects everyone, we decided to let everyone pay as much as they can. All tickets guarantee full access to the week’s online program. Find the details on our website: https://20.nodeforum.org/tickets/
Key visual by Michael Burk & Ann-Katrin Krenz http://andand.xyz/
#SecondNature#mediaarts #festival #interactivedesign #UX #vvvv #creativecoding #criticalmaking #performance #AV #AR #VR #AI
#AI #vr #ar #av #performance #criticalmaking #creativecoding #vvvv #ux #interactivedesign #festival #secondnature #NODE20
Making Matters: symposium on Critical Making, May 9+10, Netherlands
- will relate Critical Making to artistic research and (post)critical theory, through a series of conversations and workshops.
May 9th-10th at West Den Haag/Onze Ambassade, Den Haag.
Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-making-matters-symposium-59522184456
#criticalmaking #making #artisticresearch
thoughts on #criticalmaking presentation at #35c3: how is critical making/speculative design not another form of consumerism, like the so despised silicon valley version?