
Critical Mass Minneapolis is back! You can read about the mission at but the short of it is that we'll gather at the former Quarry encampment site on the far end of the home depot parking lot. We intend to bring attention to the dangerous precedent set by Minneapolis Public Works and MN DOT resources being used to sweep encampments while the streets in NE minneapolis continue to be wildly unsafe for pedestrians, handicapped folks, and bicyclists alike. just because we're rated among the best cities for *recreational* bicyclists doesn't mean the mission of Critical Mass is complete.

meet at the quarry around 4pm, rolling by 4:20. arrive sooner if you want to help skillshare how to cork intersections or learn about co-organizing the next ride!

#criticalmassmpls #criticalmass #minneapolis #classconsciousness #WeAreAllConnected

Last updated 1 year ago