Don't forget to take a look at this cfp for a special issue on "Gender, Feminisms and the ‘Posts’'" for @gaejournal! With @Taylor_C_A, @vivboz & @JayneOsgood !
#gender #education #criticalpedagogies #educationaltheory #educationalpractice #post
#gender #education #criticalpedagogies #educationaltheory #educationalpractice #post
Very excited to attend this today!
Critical Pedagogies: Engaging In/Equality in the University Classroom
#Decoloniality #AlternativeEpistemologies
#Decoloniality #alternativeepistemologies #decolonialcritique #criticalpedagogies
Good morning folks. Wanted to share this recent #pedagogy #CriticalPedagogies publication from myself and my fantastic colleagues looking at the ways open annotation tools (we used Perusall for this study) can help with issues of #EpistemicJustice in the university classroom. And it is #OpenAccess as part of a special issue on #OpenEducationalResources. In the Journal of Multicultural Education.
#openeducationalresources #openaccess #EpistemicJustice #criticalpedagogies #pedagogy
#introductions I am a philosopher working at Worcester Polytechnic Institute with teaching, writing, and research interests in #philosophy, #criticaltheory, #marxism, #socialtheory, #socialandpoliticalphilosophy, #globaljustice, #politicalphilosophy, #environmentaljustice, #climate, #sustainability, #climatejustice, #CriticalPedagogies, and #ProjectBasedLearning. I live in #Boston and am a #bike and #train commuter so love #transit and #mobility + #MobilityJustice things. And I also love #cats.
#cats #MobilityJustice #mobility #transit #train #bike #boston #projectbasedlearning #criticalpedagogies #climatejustice #sustainability #climate #environmentaljustice #politicalphilosophy #globaljustice #socialandpoliticalphilosophy #SocialTheory #marxism #criticaltheory #philosophy #introductions