David Palumbo-Liu · @palumboliu
167 followers · 98 posts · Server climatejustice.social

The liberal appropriation of . And a complaint about the word . All in this podcast. Check it out and share if you can! open.spotify.com/episode/0HuvZ

#racialjustice #criticalrace #universities #branding

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr. Elspeth Van Veeren · @ellievisions
18 followers · 7 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Ooo Andor is goooood. I have some criticisms, of course, but so far the best SW thing to emerge ever. Halfway through, these are my criticisms? 1) You can’t take the racial politics out of colonialism and empire; 2) what about indigenous voices and resistance, they could have built those in more ie where did all that local customs knowledge come from, alliances would be needed?; 3) what does making parts of the empire bureaucracy more sympathetic do?

#andor #criticalrace #pcwp #teachingir

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Bryant · @alexbryant
528 followers · 242 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I use apps like this for academic community, esp. .

If you are a student, teacherer, research, faculty around of any kind and/or (i.e. gender and women studies, womens' studies, gender studies, etc.), , and , , , , , , or something akin to these areas in the social sciences + humanities, I want to find you and get your toots in my feed!

#academicphilosophy #academic #philosophy #gender #sts #legaltheory #jurisprudence #criticalrace #historyofscience #politicaltheory #decisionTheory #disabilityStudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Anne Roths Twitterbrücke · @anneroth
1134 followers · 32147 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

Wir sind noch nicht so weit, aber trotzdem ein guter Vorschlag auch für Dozent*innen hier:

RT @BiellaColeman@twitter.com

Going after theory as Trump is doing and linking it to ideas of communism and propaganda shows how powerfully effective academic ideas are and how the academy is not some marginal, irrelevant ivory tower. 1/

🐦🔗: twitter.com/BiellaColeman/stat


Last updated 4 years ago