Critical Bugs in Dell Wyse Thin Clients Allow Code Execution, Client Takeovers - The bugs rate 10 out of 10 on the vulnerability-severity scale, thanks to the ease of exploitation... #criticalsecurityvulnerabilities #informationdisclosure #configurationfiles #noauthentication #vulnerabilities #readwriteaccess #cloudsecurity #thinclients #version9.x #ftpserver #dellwyse #patch #bugs
#bugs #patch #dellwyse #ftpserver #version9 #thinclients #cloudsecurity #readwriteaccess #vulnerabilities #noauthentication #configurationfiles #informationdisclosure #criticalsecurityvulnerabilities
Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday Packed with Critical RCE Bugs - The most concerning of the disclosed bugs would allow an attacker to take over Microsoft Exchange ... #criticalsecurityvulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #microsoftexchange #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-16875 #cloudsecurity #september2020 #patchtuesday #websecurity #bugbounty #microsoft
#microsoft #bugbounty #websecurity #patchtuesday #september2020 #cloudsecurity #cve #vulnerabilities #microsoftexchange #remotecodeexecution #criticalsecurityvulnerabilities