Critical Slack Bug Allows Access to Private Channels, Conversations - The RCE bug affects versions below 4.4 of the Slack desktop app. #criticalsecurityvulnerability #privatechannelaccess #privateconversations #remotecodeexecution #vulnerabilities #cloudsecurity #websecurity #version4.4 #bugbounty #hackerone #oskarsv #patch #slack #rce
#rce #slack #patch #oskarsv #hackerone #bugbounty #version4 #websecurity #cloudsecurity #vulnerabilities #remotecodeexecution #privateconversations #privatechannelaccess #criticalsecurityvulnerability
NSA Urgently Warns on Industrial Cyberattacks, Triconex Critical Bug - Power plants, factories, oil and gas refineries and more are all in the sights of foreign adversar... more: #criticalsecurityvulnerability #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalinfrastructure #oilandgasrefineries #foreignadversaries #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-7491 #cyberattacks #powerplants #government #factories #schneider #advisory #hacks
#hacks #advisory #schneider #factories #government #powerplants #cyberattacks #cve #vulnerabilities #foreignadversaries #oilandgasrefineries #criticalinfrastructure #industrialcontrolsystems #criticalsecurityvulnerability
Critical VMware Bug Opens Up Corporate Treasure to Hackers - The bug -- rated 10 in severity -- potentially affects large numbers of corporate VMs and hosts. more: #criticalsecurityvulnerability #informationdisclosure #vulnerabilities #virtualmachines #cloudsecurity #cve-2020-3952 #vcenterserver #advisory #vmware #vmdir #bug
#bug #vmdir #vmware #advisory #vcenterserver #cve #cloudsecurity #virtualmachines #vulnerabilities #informationdisclosure #criticalsecurityvulnerability