À #Locarno, le Léopard d’or est attribué à #CriticalZone de l’Iranien #AliAhmadzadeh. Le réalisateur de 37 ans, qui a tourné son film dans la clandestinité, n’a pu se rendre à Locarno et recevoir son prix en personne. https://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2023/08/12/a-locarno-le-leopard-d-or-est-attribue-a-critical-zone-de-l-iranien-ali-ahmadzadeh_6185263_3246.html
#locarno #criticalzone #aliahmadzadeh
#EGU23 Thursday, 27th of April at 15:25 in room 0.94/95, Mikael will present our recent interdisciplinary research into catchment co-evolution under anthropogenic influence.
Drop by if you are attending!
Gillefalk et al., Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany, EGU23, Vienna, Austria:
#egu23 #ecohydrology #criticalzone #brunswick
#EGU23 Thursday, 27th of April at 15:25 in room 0.94/95, Mikael will present our recent interdisciplinary research into catchment co-evolution under anthropogenic influence.
Drop by if you are attending!
Gillefalk et al., Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany, EGU23, Vienna, Austria:
#brunswick #criticalzone #ecohydrology #egu23
Happy #EarthDay2023!
WATSON cares about Earth, especially about its #criticalzone! Visit our website watson-cost.eu/ to learn more about our work.
The 3rd WATSON conference has officially started in sunny Dubrovnik, Croatia! We are looking forward to learn more about #water #isotope applications in the #CriticalZone over the next three days. Stay tuned for updated on speakers and events!
Thanks to Harsh Beria for his very interesting seminar on Partitioning rainfall and snowmelt between trees, streams, and groundwater in the Swiss Alps!
Next WATSON Wednesday will be the 5th April. Angelika Kuebert will talk about #ecohydrological #processes in #grasslands and #forests. More info and registration here https://watson-cost.eu/wednesdays-with-watson/! #stableisotopes #water #criticalzone
#ecohydrological #processes #grasslands #forests #stableisotopes #water #criticalzone
Today is the #internationaldayofwomeninscience. WATSON ca19120 takes very seriously the need of society to give all #girls and #women the opportunity to enjoy #science as much as we do.
If you like #hydrology, if you are interested in the #criticalzone, if you are intrigued by @stableisotopes, visit our website (https://watson-cost.eu/) and be part of our community!
@UN @UN_Women @COSTprogramme
#InternationalDayOfWomenInScience #girls #women #science #hydrology #criticalzone
Evolutionary ecology is critical to accurately predict coastal marsh drowning due to sea level raise. Vahsen etal 2022 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq0595
+ incorporating lines of evidence from plant physiology, genetics, and computational simulations
+ found rapid evolution of root traits (aboveground traits less variable)
+ simulations incorporating new data showed marshes less able to keep up with sea level.
#EvoEco #Biogeochemistry #CriticalZone #EarthSystem #ScienceLiterature
#evoeco #biogeochemistry #criticalzone #earthsystem #scienceliterature
We look forward for the next #WATSONWednesday!
February 1, Paolo Benettin talks about Transit time estimation in catchments!
Info and registrations here https://watson-cost.eu/wednesdays-with-watson/
#water #hydrology #criticalzone
#watsonwednesday #water #hydrology #criticalzone #donotmissit #seeyouatwatsonwednesday
Deadline is February 1st, 2023!!!
There is still time to apply for a short term scientific mission. Do not miss the opportunity to breath #water #stable #isotopes! All info here https://watson-cost.eu/getting-involved/stsm/
#hydrology #catchments #plant #physiology #criticalzone #STSM
#water #stable #Isotopes #hydrology #catchments #plant #physiology #criticalzone #stsm
Hi! 👋 We are scientists studying Earth and environmental systems, as a research institute at #CUBoulder. Our name = cold/high places, and we’ve got deep roots there. But these days we investigate systems from the tropics to the poles, incl. world ocean & atmosphere.
#ClimateChange #hydrology #EarthScience #grasslands #peat #seaice #snow #soils #paleoclimate #CriticalZone #wildfire #biogeochemistry #geomorphology #deltas #oceans #PlantEcology #scicomm & lots more nerdly stuff about our 💙🌏
#intro #cuboulder #climatechange #hydrology #earthscience #grasslands #peat #seaice #snow #soils #paleoclimate #criticalzone #wildfire #biogeochemistry #geomorphology #deltas #oceans #plantecology #scicomm
Looking at #soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh) through the lens of precipitation driven biomass dynamics. Hourly Rh & precip from #FluxNet sites were correlated via soil moisture within a biomass framework.
Huang etal 2021 https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2115283118 found that precip can be a significant explainer of temperature corrected Rh
#Soil #Biogeochemistry #ScientificLiterature #CriticalZone #FluxTower #MicrobesInClimateModels
[Personal note - Clever use of 'microbial' models here!]
#soil #fluxnet #biogeochemistry #scientificLiterature #criticalzone #fluxtower #microbesinclimatemodels
Do not miss next exciting WATSON webinar about
Isotopic discrepancies in plant water pools and their sources
by Adrià Barbeta Margarit
the 11/01/2023 at 12:30 CET
Here the link to enroll:
or here:
#water #stableisotopes #ecophysiology #criticalzone
Ever wonder how much #carbon is in #wetland #ecosystems (#permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #Swamps)? "Lots!" is of course the answer but how much is lots? Temmink etal 2022 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn1479 Highlights the importance of belowground carbon storage for these ecosystems.
#ScientificLiterature #Biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #CriticalZone
[Personal note - Uncertainties look low to me but ball park seems consistent and useful!]
#carbon #wetland #ecosystems #permafrost #CoastalMarsh #bogs #swamps #scientificLiterature #biogeochemistry #BlueCarbon #criticalzone
"Wir sind getrennt von dem Ort, an dem wir alle unser ganzes Leben verbringen werden. Wir haben kein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit. Und doch sind wir – wie ich immer sage – „Erdlinge“. Wir gehören hier her. Das ist unser natürliches Habitat." Geowissenschaftlerin Marcia Bjornerud in SWR2 Wissen über das Zeitalter des #Anthropozän u.a. mit @reinholdleinfelder | #Technosphäre #Tiefenzeit #CriticalZone https://www.swr.de/swr2/wissen/der-mensch-als-geologische-kraft-leben-wir-im-anthropozaen-104.html
#anthropozan #technosphare #tiefenzeit #criticalzone
Thanks to César Jiménez Rodríguez for the 🤩super interesting 🤩WATSON Wednesday yesterday! Next one will be given by Adrià Barbeta Margarit 🤗on 11/01/2023. Do not miss it! Here the link to enroll: https://watson-cost.eu/wednesdays-with-watson/ #water #stableisotopes #ecophysiology #criticalzone
#water #stableisotopes #ecophysiology #criticalzone
:flan_hurrah: WATSON Wednesdays :flan_hurrah:
The seminar will take place on 7 December 2022; 12:30 CET.
César Jiménez Rodríguez talks about "Gardening the isotope signatures: when fractionation plays with us".
To sign up and read the whole program on our website https://watson-cost.eu/.
We look forward to seeing you there!
the WATSON team
#water #stableisotopes #hydrology #ecophysiology #criticalzone #seminar
#water #stableisotopes #hydrology #ecophysiology #criticalzone #seminar
We look back at a very successful first WATSON Wednesday seminar by Prof. James Kirchner and look forward to the next presentation by César
Jiménez Rodríguez on Dec 7 on Gardening the isotope
signatures: when fractionation plays with us. Check our website for more info and to enroll. https://watson-cost.eu/wednesdays-with-watson/ #water #stableisotopes #hydrology #criticalzone #seminars
#water #stableisotopes #hydrology #criticalzone #seminars