EU🇪🇺 & Chile🇨🇱 partner🤝 on sustainable #RawMaterials value chains at #EUCELACSummit to boost clean energy, digital transition, jobs & the economy.
Our 🔎focus: integration, innovation, ESG criteria, infrastructure & skills.
#GlobalGateway #CRMAct
#RawMaterials #EUCELACSummit #GlobalGateway #crmact
😬 🤝 😬 Sonrisas congeladas para anunciar Memorando de entendimiento sobre #MateriasPrimasCríticas, es decir, planificando juntes el asalto sobre los bienes comunes y los territorios comunitarios, que es donde se encuentran estos minerales que se tienen que extraer mediante minería industrial altamente destructiva y contaminante.
Qué fácil para algunos regalar lo que a uno no le pertenece 😡
#SíALaVidaNoALaMinería #CRMAct #DerechosHumanos #DDHH #DerechosIndígenas
#materiasprimascriticas #sialavidanoalamineria #crmact #derechoshumanos #ddhh #derechosindigenas
Good @EP_Trade debate on #CRMAct-my points briefly:
👉We shall consider the proposals of European industry carefully
👉🇪🇺 raw material industries need fair market conditions & EC @Trade_EU has to be more assertive in using #TDI
👉Add aluminum, chromium & silver to the #SRMs list
L'Europe doit être cohérente et choisir cette filière exigeante, plutôt qu'importer à bas coûts et détruire son propre potentiel. C'est impératif pour la protection de la nature, comme pour la souveraineté de nos pays. Un travail engagé depuis des mois au Parlement... #CRMAct
We had a great time at Hannover Messe 2023, presenting 🇪🇺 vision for clean #EUindustry of the future!
✅24 sessions incl by @JornaKerstin & @MaiveRute
✅Support corner by @EEN_EU
✅interactive exhibition on energy, #CRMAct, #NetZeroIndustry Act and more!
#EUindustry #crmact #NetZeroIndustry #HM23
RT @EU_Aluminium: 🚨 Powerful keynote from MEP @AnnaAsimakopoul at our policy debate on the #EUGreenIndustrialPlan! Anna Michelle highlights a glaring omission from the #CRMAct.
“The decision to exclude #aluminium from the CRM Act, in terms of the list of Strategic Raw Materials, is a mistake.…
#EUGreenIndustrialPlan #crmact #aluminium
🇪🇺 Research & innovation solutions are essential to help us:
🔹reduce our dependency on materials
🔹increase circularity and
🔹accelerate the roll-out of the #EU's strategic net-zero technologies.
Find out more! ⤵️
#EU #crmact #NetZeroEU #HorizonEU
🪨 Kritične sirovine neophodne su za širok skup strateških sektora. Europska komisija predložila je niz mjera za osiguravanje pristupa EU-a sigurnoj, raznolikoj, cjenovno pristupačnoj i održivoj opskrbi kritičnim #RawMaterials.
RT @BlassarMaria: Puolitoistaviikkoa ei ole ajallisesti pitkä aika. Kuitenkin tässä ajassa komissio on onnistunut luomaan eurooppalaisille uskoa tulevaisuuteen viitoittamalla Euroopan tietä kestävään talouskasvuun: #CRMact #SingleElectricityMarket #SingleMarket30 #NetZeroIndustryAct #EUGreenDeal
#crmact #SingleElectricityMarket #singlemarket30 #NetZeroIndustryAct #EUGreenDeal
De EU is zeer afhankelijk van import v kritieke grondstoffen. De Wet Kritieke Grondstoffen vd @EU_Commission moet productie opdrijven en zorgen voor diverse toeleveringsketens (zodat we niet te afhankelijk worden v 1 land).
Bez surowców krytycznych nie będzie ani zielonej ani cyfrowej transformacji. Europejski Akt o surowcach krytycznych usprawni rafinację, przetwarzanie i recykling tych materiałów w #UniaEuropejska
↓ Dowiedz się więcej
#UniaEuropejska #RawMaterials #crmact
RT @EUinWroclaw: Bez surowców krytycznych nie będzie ani zielonej ani cyfrowej transformacji. Europejski Akt o surowcach krytycznych usprawni rafinację, przetwarzanie i recykling tych materiałów w #UniaEuropejska
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#UniaEuropejska #RawMaterials #crmact
🪨Critical raw materials are indispensable for a wide set of strategic sectors. The European Commission has proposed a set of actions to ensure the EU's access to a secure, diversified, affordable and sustainable supply of critical #RawMaterials.
Vi måste säkerställa och diversifiera leveranskedjorna för råvaror av avgörande betydelse om vi vill vara oberoende gällande hållbar teknik. Därför föreslog kommissionen igår förordningen om råvaror av avgörande betydelse:!96TFnP #CRMact #RawMaterials
Jos haluamme olla puhtaan teknologian suhteen omavaraisia, meidän tulee vahvistaa ja monipuolistaa kriittisten raaka-aineiden toimitusketjuja. Siksi komissio esitti eilen kriittisten raaka-aineiden säädöstä:!3xm3HH #CRMact #RawMaterials
RT @stephen_quest: The #CriticalRawMaterialsAct was announced today by the @EU_Commission.
It paves the way to secure & resilient #RawMaterials for a competitive, autonomous & sustainable 🇪🇺
See the next tweets & read how @EU_ScienceHub contributed⬇️
#CriticalRawMaterialsAct #RawMaterials #crmact
💡 Critical #RawMaterials Act ✅#CRMAct
The proposal will:
🔹 Set clear priorities for action
🔹 Strengthen raw materials #supplychains
🔹 Increase circularity and #sustainability
🔹 Invest in #research and #innovation.
#RawMaterials #crmact #supplychains #sustainability #research #innovation
R&I is essential for knowledge, innovative & sustainable processes.
🔹+200M€ @HorizonEU to deploy 10🆕Hubs for circularity
🔹Coordination of Member States on advanced materials
🔹Up-skilling, training & education with a🇪🇺Raw Materials Academy
👉!836cBY #CRMAct
@EU_Growth @ThierryBreton @GabrielMariya @euenvironment @CleanHydrogenEU @EITRawMaterials @EuroGeoSurveys @EUScienceInnov @defis_eu @ChristouMichail Our #foresight study analysed the value chains for 15 key technologies👉across the sectors responsible for the delivery of the green & digital transitions.
This helps identify
🔹segments of supply chains which need strengthening
Critical #rawmaterials outline actions to reach goals:
- Strategic projects🧑💼
- Cutting red tape✂️
-Exploration programmes🔭
- Streamline permitting⏱️
-Monitoring & risk preparedness👀
- Circularity♻️
- Trade & investment💶