Floridensis · @floridensis
8 followers · 9 posts · Server ecoevo.social
Evan · @or_mabinogi
1 followers · 22 posts · Server mastodon.social

Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) and a Dwarf Crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis)

#zoo #animals #crocodilians

Last updated 2 years ago

SoMuchPingle · @somuchpingle
67 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.online

My next Peru trip is less than a month away and I’m looking forward to spending time in the Amazon rainforest again. One of my favorite critters there are smooth-fronted caiman (Paleosuchus trigonatus), and here is the portrait of a juvenile. These small crocodilians live in creeks and smaller rivers.

#naturephotos #crocodilians #herpetology #herps

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
3 followers · 7 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Reposting a thread to see how it works on this instance. (Part 1 of 3) Brazos Bend State Park on 11/06/2022 I stayed near a mom gator w/pod about 20yds away most of the day. Finally counted about 19 in the pod.
Great Blue Herons, American Bitterns-hunted in the same area. The mother chased birds off a bird a few times Another Heron appeared in that area on this day, so I watched for possible gator/bird drama.

#alligators #crocodilians #archosaurs

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
3 followers · 7 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Reposting a thread to see how it works on this instance. (Part 1 of 3) Brazos Bend State Park on 11/06/2022 I stayed near a mom gator w/pod about 20yds away most of the day. Finally counted about 19 in the pod.
Great Blue Herons, American Bitterns-hunted in the same area. The mother chased birds off a bird a few times Another Heron appeared in that area on this day, so I watched for possible gator/bird drama.

#alligators #crocodilians #archosaurs

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
9 followers · 52 posts · Server qoto.org

Here's another thread. (part 1 of 3) Brazos Bend State Park on 11/06/2022 Mom gator that had been near the 40 Acre observation tower was in a clear spot next to a partially-uprooted plant. Another alligator was also visible about 10 yards behind her, but moved away.
I stayed nearby most the the day, and tried to point out the babies to passing park visitors. The babies were visible without aid, but using binoculars or a camera that could reach out was better. As usual, more babies appeared as the day progressed. I shot a line of images and stitched them together, then counted at least 19 babies. 
Over the last few weeks, I'd seen various wading birds-Great Blue Herons, American Bitterns-hunted in the same area. I've seen the mother chased birds off a bird a few times (but didn't catch with camera). Another Heron appeared in that area on this day, so I watched for possible gator/bird drama.

#crocodilians #alligators #archosaurs

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
6 followers · 30 posts · Server qoto.org

@markwitton I've been very, very lucky to volunteer at Brazos Bend State Park for over 20 years, at least once every week (I have missed a few). This page has a table with links to all my "alligator pages", going all the way back. Tech and equipment have changed over time, so the newer stuff looks better. You may enjoy. :-) rickubis.com/rick/gatr.html

#allligatorbehavior #archosaurs #alligators #crocodilians

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
6 followers · 30 posts · Server qoto.org

@markwitton I've witnessed alligator behavior in a large natural area (5000 acres) for the last 20 years. Sometimes it's hard to determine cause and effect during social interactions because of the large areas involved, and the gators' perception of the enviroment is different than mine. I've caught various examples of their behavior on video. This one shows the beginning and end of a bellow chorus: rickubis.com/rick/creekfield_b or here for description: rickubis.com/rick/gatr2h.html# In this 2nd example, a female gator with new hatchlings (a week or so old) began bellowing, then left the pod for a while: rickubis.com/rick/momgator_082 with description on my page here: rickubis.com/rick/gatr5i.html# Since I work at that park (Brazos Bend State Park) as guide, sometimes I interpret such behaviors as they happen for visitors at the scene-so may miss a photo op. I can read alligator posture/movement enough to know when they might be doing something (so begin filming), but I'm never 100 percent sure what it will be. Sometimes I get lucky.

#archosaurbehavior #crocodilians #alligators

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Dashnau · @rickubis
6 followers · 30 posts · Server qoto.org

@TetZoo First thread attempt: From Brazos Bend State Park on 10/23/2022 I was watching an alligator near the observation tower, looking for some sign of her babies. I thought I heard an alligator bellowing in 40 Acre Lake, but wasn't sure over the sound of the wind. The mom gator prepared to bellow. After a few false starts, she bellowed for a full bout. Most of the events in this thread appear in this video. rickubis.com/rick/gatorstuff10

#alligators #crocodilians #scicomm #archosaurbehavior

Last updated 2 years ago