At least we don’t have to hear the bloody band playing the same songs over and over though. #CROENG
You don’t realise how much a crowd adds to a game until there isn’t one. #CROENG
Watching England go out is heartbreaking - but for some, it's terrifying.
Please RT to support #StopItComingHome and help us end violence towards women and young girls.
#eng #croeng #engcro #englandvcroatia #worldcup #stopitcominghome
Kroatio venkis la #CROENG duonfinalon 2:1 kaj ludos finalon kontraŭ Francio
Ĉu vi spektos la finalon de la Piedpilka Mondopokalo? Ĉu vi spektis aliajn matĉojn de la Mondopokalo?
Ce soir, pas d'excuses pour le Meetup Performances web à @MozillaParis. Les passionné·e·s de WebPerf 📈 et de foot ⚽️ pourront se retrouver, après les conférences, autour de la télé 📺 pour le match #CROENG