Tonight I'm staying in and drinking this Cafe Latte Crab Hammer by #CrookedCrabBrewing. It's super smooth, moderately sweet, and the coffee and vanilla are perfectly balanced. I'm not always sold on milk stouts, but I would definitely drink this one again. #ItsAlwaysStoutSeason @beersofmastodon
#crookedcrabbrewing #itsalwaysstoutseason
I headed to #CrookedCrabBrewing for that Bourbon Barrel Aged Magically Delicious Deathslayer tonight. Followed it up with a #TownshipMeadery Fluffy Stuff, which was the sweetest and most ridiculously tasty beverage that I will never drink again. Finished with a Hot Cocoa Toastee chocolate marshmallow pastry stout. @beersofmastodon #ItsAlwaysStoutSeason #Maryland #MarylandBeer
#crookedcrabbrewing #townshipmeadery #itsalwaysstoutseason #maryland #marylandbeer
Drinking a #CrookedCrabBrewing Crabberwocky - West Coast Double IPA - 8.8%
Crooked Crab has done much better West Coasts. This one was a bit disappointing for me.
#Untappd Rating: 3.5/5
#crookedcrabbrewing #untappd #beer #craftbeer #mdbeer #drinklocal #ipa
Drinking a #CrookedCrabBrewing Now That's What I Call Hops - American IPA - 7.5% ABV
Light pine, but pops with the citrus.
#Untappd Rating: 3.9/5
#crookedcrabbrewing #untappd #beer #craftbeer #mdbeer #drinklocal #beersofmastodon #ipa
Second weekend in row at #CrookedCrabBrewing. Drinking the Fluffernutter Toastee Stout, a pastry stout with peanut butter and toasted marshmallow flavor. #Maryland @beersofmastodon
Stopped at #CrookedCrabBrewing for lunch. Had a #SteelCrustacean imperial stout (#AdroitTheory collab), a #MapleCinnamonCrabHammer milk stout, and a #MochaJavaMaximumJoltage coffee stout. #Maryland #MarylandBeer #ItsAlwaysStoutSeason @beersofmastodon
#crookedcrabbrewing #steelcrustacean #adroittheory #maplecinnamoncrabhammer #mochajavamaximumjoltage #maryland #marylandbeer #itsalwaysstoutseason