Jim Baird · @jimbaird22
70 followers · 54 posts · Server mstdn.social

“Right now, we’re seeing the volatility of natural fibre supply increase due to extreme weather. We need to wake up to the fact that everything is at risk, and we will need to continuously manage & work on step-by-step reduction of this risk going forward”


#farms #agricultureandfarming #crophealth #FashionTwitter #fashionlover #supplylines #supplychain #ClimateAlarm

Last updated 2 years ago

ClearSkyImaging · @uk_csi
90 followers · 141 posts · Server mstdn.social

We can use drones to check on the health of crops, or in this case, the health of the grass on golf courses.

#GolfCourse #golf #uas #uav #drones4good #agriculture #crophealth #crops #ndvi #Drones

Last updated 2 years ago