Nobody intends all of this to happen -- including Nutrien Ag Solutions.

But the widespread use of neonic pesticides -- estimated to cover 150 million acres of across the U.S. -- is having deadly consequences and it must be stopped.



Last updated 1 year ago

PLOS Biology · @PLOSBiology
5088 followers · 1627 posts · Server

Global evaluation of human-bird coexistence challenges: 1. impact of birds on crop production, 2. effect of interventions on losses, 3. perceptions of by stakeholders, producing a map of areas with win-win potential

#plosbiology #cropland #birds #crop

Last updated 1 year ago

JuneSim63 πŸ’š · @junesim63
798 followers · 4558 posts · Server

Conserving 30% of the world’s land by 2030 will be β€œchallenging” if croplands continue to expand in protected areas at current rates, according to a new study covered by Carbon Brief. The research shows that cropland has expanded at an β€œalarming” rate in protected areas between 2000 and 2019 – as much as 58-fold over nearly two decades.

#ClimateEmergency #cropland #biodiversity #Environment #crops #landconservation #agriculture

Last updated 2 years ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
161 followers · 182 posts · Server
GregCocks · @GregCocks
155 followers · 177 posts · Server
DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
595 followers · 5687 posts · Server

β€˜Forever chemicals’ may have polluted 20 million acres of US , study says

-tainted sewage sludge is used as fertilizer in fields and report finds that about 20m acres of cropland could be

Tom Perkins, 8 May 2022

"PFAS, or per- and substances, are a class of about 9,000 compounds used to make products heat-, water- or stain-resistant. Known as β€œforever chemicals” because they don’t naturally break down, they have been linked to , thyroid disruption, liver problems, birth defects, immunosuppression and more.

"Dozens of industries use PFAS in thousands of consumer products, and often discharge the chemicals into the nation’s sewer system.

"The analysis, conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), is an attempt to understand the scope of cropland contamination stemming from sewage sludge, or biosolids. Regulators don’t require to be tested for PFAS or closely track where its spread, and public health advocates warn the practice is poisoning the nation’s supply.

"'We don’t know the full scope of the contamination problem created by PFAS in sludge, and we may never know, because has not made it a priority for states and local governments to track, test and report on,' said Scott Faber, EWG’s legislative policy director.

"All sewage sludge is thought to contain the dangerous chemicals, and the compounds have recently been found to be contaminating crops, cattle, water and humans on farms where were spread."

Read more:

#cropland #pfas #contaminated #polyfluoroalkyl #cancer #sludge #food #epa #biosolids

Last updated 2 years ago

GregCocks · @GregCocks
105 followers · 121 posts · Server
GregCocks · @GregCocks
105 followers · 120 posts · Server

We do this through two sensitivity experiments to isolate the influence of and urbanization: one replacing the land with over the metropolitan area, and the other filling all of with cropland.

#michigan #chicago #cropland #urban #breeze #lake

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Waite · @waiterich
522 followers · 193 posts · Server

New WRI Insights article: β€œA recent analysis shows that only 37% of the harvested area of major are used for direct β€” that is, crops used for foods that are produced and consumed domestically.”

How to feed more people with less ?

- Prioritize food for people (relax biofuel mandates & targets)
- Reduce
- Shift high- diets toward plant-based foods
- Boost & of crops important to

#crops #food #consumption #cropland #foodwaste #meat #productivity #resilience #foodsecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Waite · @waiterich
394 followers · 176 posts · Server

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ New comment from my colleague Tim Searchinger et al. on the EU's "Fit for 55" plan, which could lead to increased harvests, shift 1/5 of to production, and outsource agricultural land expansion & (with & impacts) to tropical countries.

Faulty accounting that treats bioenergy as "carbon neutral" leads to policies that increase (rather than decrease) carbon in the atmosphere for decades.

#climate #wood #cropland #bioenergy #deforestation #carbon #biodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

Denise Gutzmer · @DeniseGutzmer
116 followers · 65 posts · Server

The Vegetation Drought Response Index for Nov. 27 shows that most of the U.S. is out of season as meteorological winter begins tomorrow. Drought affects some of the remaining vegetation in the southern and western parts of the country.

#drought #vegetation #cropland #rangeland

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Waite · @waiterich
394 followers · 176 posts · Server

Here's my favorite graphic, showing that pathways for the sector that keep change below 1.5 degrees Celsius basically all require reduction in /feed and area and an increase in area by 2050, even while feeding a growing population.

It's a global land squeeze.

Needed changes include: demand-side changes (reduced , sustainable ); increases in crop, , and forestry ; & supportive policies.

#ipcc #land #climate #food #cropland #pasture #forest #foodwaste #diets #livestock #yields

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Waite · @waiterich
334 followers · 151 posts · Server

Global use (13 billion hectares of ice-free land) in 100 emojis:



🌿 = , used savannas and scrublands
🌾 =
🌳 =
🟩 = unforested with minimal human use
🏜 = other land (barren, rock)
πŸ™ =

Each square = ~130 million hectares


Source: (2019), Figure 1.1.

#land #pasture #cropland #forests #ecosystems #infrastructure #data #ipcc #food #agriculture #landuse #climate #biodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago