#Swift pilots instant payments across #currency zones
And no #blockchain !
Just plain ol' databases...
Can we now stop saying that only the "magic of blockchain" allows to implement instant #CrossBorder Payments?
#swift #currency #blockchain #crossborder
Global News BC: B.C. cross-border shoppers slow to return to Washington state businesses https://globalnews.ca/news/9763134/b-c-cross-border-shopping/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #cross-bordershoppers #CrossBorderShopping #WashingtonState #CrossBorder #Bellingham #BellisFair #U.S.Border #NEXUScard #Economy #Nexus
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #cross #crossbordershopping #WashingtonState #crossborder #bellingham #bellisfair #U #nexuscard #economy #nexus
Russian Businesses Ask Putin to Help Legalize Crypto - A body representing the interests of Russian businesses has called on president Pu... - https://news.bitcoin.com/russian-businesses-ask-putin-to-help-legalize-crypto/ #businessombudsman #cryptocurrencies #cryptopayments #cryptocurrency #entrepreneurs #crossborder #settlements #regulation #businesses #companies #president #payments #russian #crypto #russia #firms #putin #trade
#trade #putin #firms #russia #crypto #russian #payments #president #companies #businesses #regulation #settlements #crossborder #entrepreneurs #cryptocurrency #cryptopayments #cryptocurrencies #businessombudsman
#Chinese authorities have initiated a special campaign for 2023 to optimize #business environment at key ports and further advance the facilitation of #crossborder trade
#chinese #business #crossborder
Foreign Universities Applying to be Registered Universities in Canada: What we have learned. #Universities #Fundraising #Phillanthropy #Crossborder #Compliance #Canada https://www.canadiancharitylaw.ca/blog/foreign-universities-applying-to-be-registered-universities-in-canada-what-we-have-learned/
#Canada #compliance #crossborder #phillanthropy #fundraising #universities
Opportunity for journalists with #climate stories: The Arena Climate Network offers fellowships for #crossborder teams
'Maar wij bedrijven zijn het zat om in het verdomhoekje te worden gezet!' My ass.
RT @stephanehorel
🏭💧After months of work, the Forever Pollution Project by @lemondefr and its 17 partners reveals the staggering extent of Europe's contamination by forever chemicals #PFAS
#ForeverPollution #Crossborder
#crossborder #foreverpollution #pfas
ALLRAIL welcomes the selection by the EU Commission of FlixTrain's pilot cross-border service between Munich and Zurich in Switzerland.
We hope that this first step will contribute to passenger rail market opening in Switzerland, to the benefit of passengers coming from or headed to there.
#rail #train #switzerland #transport #pilots #eu #connectingeurope #europeanunion #crossborder #flixtrain #marketopening #competition
#rail #train #switzerland #transport #pilots #eu #ConnectingEurope #EuropeanUnion #crossborder #flixtrain #marketopening #Competition
Russia Mulls Gold-backed Stablecoin, Lawmaker Confirms After Iran Visit - Russia may issue a stablecoin backed by gold to use in international settlements, ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/russia-mulls-gold-backed-stablecoin-lawmaker-confirms-after-iran-visit/ #gold-backedstablecoin #cross-borderpayments #elviranabiullina #anatolyaksakov #crossborder #stablecoin #sanctions #finance #ukraine #russia #brics #china #gold #iran #war
#war #iran #china #brics #russia #ukraine #finance #sanctions #stablecoin #crossborder #anatolyaksakov #elviranabiullina #cross #gold
#Crossborder #rail Maastricht-Luik-Aken @jon https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2023/01/26/nederlandse-treinen-testen-belgische-sporen-uit-op-termijn-moge/ #train #publictransport
#publictransport #train #rail #crossborder
↔️ 4) Big Intergovernmental Push for #Crossborder Data Flows: G7 and G20
Cross-border #data flows entered the world of high-level intergovernmental organizations decidedly in 2019, when Japan proposed the concept of Data Free Flow with Trust as a guiding principle for rule-making in this field, under the leadership of Shinzo Abe, the late prime minister of Japan. DFFT was endorsed in June 2019 by the members of the G20 nations, with only India expressing opposition towards it back then.
China-backed Blockchain Project Proposes SWIFT Alternative for Stablecoins and CBDCs - The company developing China’s blockchain network wants to create a system for int... - https://news.bitcoin.com/china-backed-blockchain-project-proposes-swift-alternative-for-stablecoins-and-cbdcs/ #blockchainproject #digitalcurrencies #international #foreigntrade #alternative #crossborder #settlements #stablecoins #blockchain #interbank #payments #finance #chinese #reddate #banks #cbdcs #china
#china #cbdcs #banks #reddate #chinese #finance #payments #interbank #blockchain #stablecoins #settlements #crossborder #alternative #foreigntrade #international #digitalcurrencies #blockchainproject
60k free rail tickets for young people travelling between Germany and France to celebrate 60y #ElyseeTreaty is great news. Who would like to complain nontheless about missing #nighttrains (except NJ 468/9) and #crossborder connection guarantees? @CBeaune@twitter.com @Wissing@twitter.com
#elyseetreaty #NightTrains #crossborder
The UN Security Council adopted a renewed #Crossborder Resolution, allowing for humanitarian aid to enter into northwestern Syria through one border crossing at #BabAlHawa, connecting the area to Turkey.
The resolution is essential for the survival of millions of Syrians.🇩🇪 as a top donor continues to help people in northwestern #Syria - with food and shelter. But it is deplorable and harmful for the people in need that the permission due to Russia only covers 6 months.
Via @AuswaertigesAmt
#crossborder #babalhawa #syria
Die #UNSC #Crossborder Resolution ist für Millionen Syrer*innen überlebensnotwendig. #Deutschland kann als zweitgrößter Geber damit weiter Menschen in Nordwestsyrien helfen - mit Lebensmitteln und widerstandsfähigeren Unterkünften im Winter. Mehr dazu: http://diplo.de/2572470
#unsc #crossborder #deutschland
I've been asked (for reasons) to put together a short bit on trends in #privacy and #dataprotection space over the next few years.
I've got quite a few thoughts on new developments, but would love to ask my fellow #privacy, #AI, #tech #lawfedi, #academic friends -- what impactful areas do you think will drive #privacy and #dataprotection ?
1) the impact of existing and future laws (like the #AIAct), on how we deal with new and novel #tech and its use of #personaldata
2) Regulatory and #enforcement shifts, particularly around the role of the #DPO, conflicts of interest, and #crossborder disputes
3) The death of #onestopshop and a breakdown of the #consistency mechanism as we know it?!
4) More #US states adopting #privacylaws similar to (but likely weaker than) the #CCPA. WAY more development of niche #dataprotection laws on AI, #biometrics & #kidsprivacy
5) More alignment from other countries on a #GDPR-like framework - notably in #India and countries in the Global South.
6) Tools like #chatgpt and other #privtech gradually starting to muscle out some of the manual #privacyops workloads, since there simply aren't enough folks capable of handling mountains of #DPAs, #TIAs, #DPIAs, #ROPAs, etc., etc.
7) Some sort of resolution on the whole new #ePrivacyRegs.
8) More muscling for digital / data #sovereignity & data #localization by countries around the world.
What say you ? Do these sound plausible or crazy? What do you think will be prioritized in the next year or five?
cc: @luismontezuma @gabrielazf @pluralistic @JBAGerritsen @teamdatenschutz @Privacymatters @missiggeek @DataProtectionNerd
#privacy #dataprotection #ai #tech #lawfedi #academic #aiact #personaldata #enforcement #dpo #crossborder #onestopshop #consistency #us #privacylaws #ccpa #biometrics #kidsprivacy #gdpr #india #chatgpt #privtech #privacyops #dpas #tias #dpias #ropas #eprivacyregs #sovereignity #localization
"Forum: Rethinking Cross-Border Connections" in the latest big issue of GHI Washington's open-access Bulletin: https://www.ghi-dc.org/publication/bulletin-70-fall-2022 #Mobility #CrossBorder #Histodons
#mobility #crossborder #histodons
RT @reporters_gr@twitter.com
5️⃣ #FuellingWar: Η #crossborder έρευνα των @investigate_eu@twitter.com & #ReportersUnited (8️⃣ μίντια | 🔟 γλώσσες) αποκάλυψε πώς 🇬🇷 & ξένοι εφοπλιστές μεταφέρουν 🇷🇺 καύσιμα εν μέσω του πολέμου στην 🇺🇦.
✍️ C. Matthews @SotSideris@twitter.com @boublis@twitter.com @maltepioti@twitter.com @Chondrogiannos@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/reporters_gr/status/1608756613141364737
#fuellingwar #crossborder #ReportersUnited