54 followers · 225 posts · Server mstdn.science

Planning on chillin' this week? Then we've got just the paper for you...
An et al. reveal that signaling +vely regulates biosynthesis in response to chilling stress in doi.org/10.1111/jipb.13356

#brassinosteroid #aba #Tomato #plantsci #cropsci #JIPB #plantscience #crosstalk

Last updated 1 year ago

50 followers · 213 posts · Server mstdn.science

use scaffold proteins to facilitate between pathways. Masood et al. provide a paradigm for how these proteins finely tune signaling to control .

#plants #crosstalk #signaling #phytohormone #plantdevelopment #plantsci #ethylene #leaf #JIPB #plantscience

Last updated 1 year ago

Peterc 👍 · @pcfbx
4 followers · 28 posts · Server glasgow.social

| Sacrificing | |
Why isn’t there any public debate on the conflict in Ukraine? Why have the elites embraced war and shun negotiations? Where is the anti-war movement? And importantly, how is all of this helping Ukraine and its people?
CrossTalking with , , and .

#UkraineRussianWar #RussianUkrainewar #rogermckenzie #alanfreeman #michaelmaloof #rumble #rt #ukraine #crosstalk

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1010 followers · 60906 posts · Server mstdn.social

@Five_Eighths technically that's also how works...

The terms are older than the tech...

In fact, devices are one of the first things and required...

#electricity #telegraphy #loopback #crosstalk

Last updated 1 year ago

34 followers · 115 posts · Server mstdn.science

use scaffold proteins to facilitate between pathways. Masood et al. provide a paradigm for how these proteins finely tune signaling to control .

#plants #crosstalk #signaling #phytohormone #plantdevelopment #plantscience #ethylene #leaf #JIPB

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
26 followers · 906 posts · Server brighteon.social


@ 15:15

“This is an elite project.”

It is getting harder and harder for the west to align their words with reality. Its client state Ukraine is in big trouble and things are only expected to get worse. The west is struggling to put to an end a conflict that never should have been fought in the first place.

with Angelo , David , and Dimitri

#Lascaris #Kurten #Giuliano #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
27 followers · 885 posts · Server brighteon.social

Emmanuel Todd: World War III has already started?
epicenter Ukraine
Western war against Russia and China


@ 12:15

“To much of the world, this just seems so bizarre.”

#gender #woke #hegemony #cultural #unido #Mihailovich #Laughland #Szamuely #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Sandmann · @thomas_sandmann
241 followers · 132 posts · Server genomic.social

Today I learned how to create an interactive HTML report for gene-set enrichment analysis in R. It allows readers to examine set-level results & drill down into the underlying gene-level statistics interactively.
It's a static HTML page, e.g. no server (, , etc) needed. Thanks a lot to the authors of the and tools for making this so easy @lianos

#shiny #dash #plotly #reactable #crosstalk #htmlwidget #til #RStats #Bioconductor #gsea #compBio #visualization

Last updated 2 years ago

IandLoveandData · @deepsha
65 followers · 41 posts · Server fosstodon.org

US Monthly retail sales was extra fun to analyze with in

Detailed article on and using to add interactivity in visualization is here: medium.com/@menghani.deepsha/t

#tidytuesday #plotly #rstats #QuartoPub #quarto #datacleaning #plotting #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph P. · @tonic
130 followers · 226 posts · Server qoto.org

The Uprising of Mitochondrial DNA Biomarker in Cancer

Advances in predictive and , can lead to powerful discoveries and treatments for patients. cells acquire functional capabilities to survive, proliferate, and circulate due to an enabling characteristic called genomic instability. Genomic maintenance systems have the ability to spot and repair any defects, while cancer cells increase the rates of mutation that orchestrate tumorigenesis. Chromosomal instability (CIN) is one of the most frequent changes observed in cancer cells, which often results from aberrations in chromosome structures and numbers. The second section of the paper focuses on , which are substances, structures, or processes that can influence or predict the incidence and outcome of a disease. There are three classifications of biomarkers: exposure, effect, and susceptibility. Biomarkers of exposure measure exogenous chemicals or their metabolites within an organism, while biomarkers of effect measure alterations of endogenous factors caused by exposure to an exogenous agent. Biomarkers of susceptibility measure genetic polymorphism predisposition of individuals and their external multifactorial influencers. Surrogate endpoints are often used to substitute clinical endpoints, and biomarkers can be used as a screening tool for an early indicator of -risk development. They can also be used as diagnostic aids and prognostic biomarkers, as well as predictive biomarkers to identify the sensitivity and/or resistance of cancer patients towards specific agents or product exposure.

The communication between the nucleus and mitochondria of a cell is known as intergenomic and it is bidirectional, meaning it can go both ways. It is important for regulating energy metabolism and tumor suppression. The communication is achieved by pathways such as anterograde and retrograde signaling. Anterograde signaling is when the nucleus controls gene transcription and cytoplasmic mRNA translation in response to external signals. Retrograde signaling is when mitochondrial dysfunction or loss of mitochondrial potential triggers communication with the nuclear genetic compartment. This communication is important for adaptation and can detect any nuclear damage or nuclear stress.

are organelles found in cells that are responsible for producing energy. They are believed to have originated from a -ed organism and are made up of two membranes. They contain their own genetic material, called , which is made up of 16569 nucleotide base pairs. mtDNA mutations can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which can cause -genic events, such as cell reprogramming and metabolic shifts. is the study of how mechanisms regulate mtDNA transcription and replication, and it is believed to be involved in cancer progression.

The interconnection between (the development of cancer) and mitochondria (the energy-producing organelles in cells) was first proposed in 1973. Since then, there have been many studies done on this topic, using DNA scanning technologies to detect mutations and deletions. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is beneficial for carcinogenic studies because it consists of 37 genes with no introns, meaning most mutations will occur in coding regions. Additionally, mtDNA has a small size, is easy to extract, has no genetic rearrangements, and has fast mutation rates, which makes it useful for molecular research. It also has a high copy number, meaning only minimal samples are needed for analysis. Large-scale deletions are commonly known to be responsible for mitochondrial diseases, and are thought to be the cause of various diseases and cancers.

Two types of mtDNA deletions, 3.4 kb and 4977 bp are associated with various types of cancer. The 3.4 kb deletion was patented by Parr et al. [97] and is used to detect cancer in individuals. It is also used to determine different tissue types, either benign, malignant, or proximal to malignant [100]. The 4977 bp deletion is primarily associated with and is a common deletion with missing mtDNA nucleotide sequences starting at 8470 to 13447 np [106]. It has been studied in various types of cancer, such as , , gastric, hepatocellular, and tumors, and is thought to be associated with external environmental factors, genetic predisposition, and ethnicity.

The text is discussing different types of deletions in mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) that are associated with cancer. The 5.1.3 section is talking about the 3895 bp deletion, which was first observed in 1991 in two patients with progressive external . It was then found to be 10 times less frequent than the 4977 bp deletion. A study involving 104 age-matched subjects showed that the 3895 bp deletion was more frequent in those with usually sun-exposed skin and nonmelanoma skin cancer. The 4576 bp deletion was then discussed, which was found to be an indicator for breast cancer in a study involving 39 breast cancer patients. The 4576 bp deletion was not found in 23 normal patients without breast cancer. The text then moves on to discuss mtDNA copy number, which is the amount of mtDNA in each cell. It is suggested that mtDNA copy number changes may lead to mitochondrial instability and regulate energy metabolism, which can initiate . Studies have also shown that mtDNA copy number changes can be used as a predictive biomarker for response.

Cell-free mtDNA (cf-mtDNA) is a type of mitochondrial DNA that is released into the circulation due to disruption of the normal mitochondrial life cycle. It is believed to activate the Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) pathway, which can cause and potentially lead to cancer. It has been used to diagnose cancer and sepsis, and as a biomarker for metabolic syndrome and predicting the risk of future diabetes. It is also being studied as a liquid for cancer, as higher levels of cf-mtDNA have been found in cancer patients compared to healthy controls. Research is being conducted to find the potential link between cf-mtDNA and various cancers, as it is a preferable biomarker due to its higher mtDNA copy number, simpler structure, and shorter length.

Mitochondrial Microsatellite Instability () is a type of genetic mutation that occurs in the mitochondrial genome. It is caused by short tandem repeats (mononucleotide or dinucleotide) of 1 to 6 base pairs that are scattered throughout the mitochondrial genome. These variations can lead to frameshift mutations, which can be caused by DNA polymerase γ, an enzyme that is responsible for oxidative damage. Mammalian mitochondria also have an inefficient mismatch repair system, which can lead to mtMSI formation. The most commonly reported mtMSI is located in the D-loop region, which is a mutational hotspot in primary tumors. It is a highly polymorphic homopolymeric C stretch, which is involved in R-loop formation, a stable RNA-DNA hybrid that triggers mtDNA replication. D310 alteration has been suggested as a new cancer detection tool and a potential early premalignant cancer marker. Another potential marker is D16184, which is located in the hypervariable region I and is involved in mtDNA biogenesis. Studies have reported the presence of D16184 in various cancer types, such as gastric and endometrial carcinoma. Somatic mtDNA alterations have also been correlated to cancer, with evidence showing that mtDNA changes can contribute to the development or progression of cancer. One example of a somatic mtDNA alteration is A12308G, which is located in the variable loop next to the anticodon stem of tRNA Leu (CUN). This alteration has been suggested as a potential diagnostic tool for and as a risk factor for prostate and . A10398G has also been studied in relation to cancer, although the results have been conflicting.

Mitochondrial biomarkers are molecules that can be used to detect cancer in its early stages. A commercial kit (PCMT) has been developed to help with this detection. However, even if cancer is detected early, it can still be difficult to treat if the symptoms have not yet developed. Therefore, researchers are looking into gene therapy and other mitochondrial interventions as potential treatments for cancer. They can use current advancements in vitro mitochondrial intervention to identify the pathogenicity and therapeutic potential of a particular mtDNA mutation. One method proposed is to transfer artificial healthy mitochondria to remove damaged mtDNA without genetic manipulation. Other studies have looked at the levels of mtDNA biomarkers in cancerous and non-cancerous samples, as well as the levels of mtDNA methylation and mtRNA in cancerous tissues.





















#brain #biomarkers #medical #signaling #epigenetics #breastcancer #NonInvasive #mitochondria #cancer #MtDNA #colorectal #ophthalmoplegia #chemotherapy #diagnostic #precisionmedicine #dna #crosstalk #homeostasis #singlecell #aging #mtMSI #colorectalcancer #renalcancer #inflammation #tumor #tissue #prostate #biopsy #Mitoepigenetics #Carcinogenesis #malignancy #onco #tumorigenesis #blood #membrane

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph P. · @tonic
130 followers · 225 posts · Server qoto.org

The Uprising of Mitochondrial DNA Biomarker in Cancer

Advances in predictive and , can lead to powerful discoveries and treatments for patients. cells acquire functional capabilities to survive, proliferate, and circulate due to an enabling characteristic called genomic instability. Genomic maintenance systems have the ability to spot and repair any defects, while cancer cells increase the rates of mutation that orchestrate tumorigenesis. Chromosomal instability (CIN) is one of the most frequent changes observed in cancer cells, which often results from aberrations in chromosome structures and numbers. The second section of the paper focuses on , which are substances, structures, or processes that can influence or predict the incidence and outcome of a disease. There are three classifications of biomarkers: exposure, effect, and susceptibility. Biomarkers of exposure measure exogenous chemicals or their metabolites within an organism, while biomarkers of effect measure alterations of endogenous factors caused by exposure to an exogenous agent. Biomarkers of susceptibility measure genetic polymorphism predisposition of individuals and their external multifactorial influencers. Surrogate endpoints are often used to substitute clinical endpoints, and biomarkers can be used as a screening tool for an early indicator of -risk development. They can also be used as diagnostic aids and prognostic biomarkers, as well as predictive biomarkers to identify the sensitivity and/or resistance of cancer patients towards specific agents or product exposure.

The communication between the nucleus and mitochondria of a cell is known as intergenomic and it is bidirectional, meaning it can go both ways. It is important for regulating energy metabolism and tumor suppression. The communication is achieved by pathways such as anterograde and retrograde signaling. Anterograde signaling is when the nucleus controls gene transcription and cytoplasmic mRNA translation in response to external signals. Retrograde signaling is when mitochondrial dysfunction or loss of mitochondrial potential triggers communication with the nuclear genetic compartment. This communication is important for adaptation and can detect any nuclear damage or nuclear stress.

are organelles found in cells that are responsible for producing energy. They are believed to have originated from a -ed organism and are made up of two membranes. They contain their own genetic material, called , which is made up of 16569 nucleotide base pairs. mtDNA mutations can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, which can cause -genic events, such as cell reprogramming and metabolic shifts. is the study of how mechanisms regulate mtDNA transcription and replication, and it is believed to be involved in cancer progression.

The interconnection between (the development of cancer) and mitochondria (the energy-producing organelles in cells) was first proposed in 1973. Since then, there have been many studies done on this topic, using DNA scanning technologies to detect mutations and deletions. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is beneficial for carcinogenic studies because it consists of 37 genes with no introns, meaning most mutations will occur in coding regions. Additionally, mtDNA has a small size, is easy to extract, has no genetic rearrangements, and has fast mutation rates, which makes it useful for molecular research. It also has a high copy number, meaning only minimal samples are needed for analysis. Large-scale deletions are commonly known to be responsible for mitochondrial diseases, and are thought to be the cause of various diseases and cancers.

Two types of mtDNA deletions, 3.4 kb and 4977 bp are associated with various types of cancer. The 3.4 kb deletion was patented by Parr et al. [97] and is used to detect cancer in individuals. It is also used to determine different tissue types, either benign, malignant, or proximal to malignant [100]. The 4977 bp deletion is primarily associated with and is a common deletion with missing mtDNA nucleotide sequences starting at 8470 to 13447 np [106]. It has been studied in various types of cancer, such as , , gastric, hepatocellular, and tumors, and is thought to be associated with external environmental factors, genetic predisposition, and ethnicity.

The text is discussing different types of deletions in mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) that are associated with cancer. The 5.1.3 section is talking about the 3895 bp deletion, which was first observed in 1991 in two patients with progressive external . It was then found to be 10 times less frequent than the 4977 bp deletion. A study involving 104 age-matched subjects showed that the 3895 bp deletion was more frequent in those with usually sun-exposed skin and nonmelanoma skin cancer. The 4576 bp deletion was then discussed, which was found to be an indicator for breast cancer in a study involving 39 breast cancer patients. The 4576 bp deletion was not found in 23 normal patients without breast cancer. The text then moves on to discuss mtDNA copy number, which is the amount of mtDNA in each cell. It is suggested that mtDNA copy number changes may lead to mitochondrial instability and regulate energy metabolism, which can initiate . Studies have also shown that mtDNA copy number changes can be used as a predictive biomarker for response.

Cell-free mtDNA (cf-mtDNA) is a type of mitochondrial DNA that is released into the circulation due to disruption of the normal mitochondrial life cycle. It is believed to activate the Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) pathway, which can cause and potentially lead to cancer. It has been used to diagnose cancer and sepsis, and as a biomarker for metabolic syndrome and predicting the risk of future diabetes. It is also being studied as a liquid for cancer, as higher levels of cf-mtDNA have been found in cancer patients compared to healthy controls. Research is being conducted to find the potential link between cf-mtDNA and various cancers, as it is a preferable biomarker due to its higher mtDNA copy number, simpler structure, and shorter length.

Mitochondrial Microsatellite Instability () is a type of genetic mutation that occurs in the mitochondrial genome. It is caused by short tandem repeats (mononucleotide or dinucleotide) of 1 to 6 base pairs that are scattered throughout the mitochondrial genome. These variations can lead to frameshift mutations, which can be caused by DNA polymerase γ, an enzyme that is responsible for oxidative damage. Mammalian mitochondria also have an inefficient mismatch repair system, which can lead to mtMSI formation. The most commonly reported mtMSI is located in the D-loop region, which is a mutational hotspot in primary tumors. It is a highly polymorphic homopolymeric C stretch, which is involved in R-loop formation, a stable RNA-DNA hybrid that triggers mtDNA replication. D310 alteration has been suggested as a new cancer detection tool and a potential early premalignant cancer marker. Another potential marker is D16184, which is located in the hypervariable region I and is involved in mtDNA biogenesis. Studies have reported the presence of D16184 in various cancer types, such as gastric and endometrial carcinoma. Somatic mtDNA alterations have also been correlated to cancer, with evidence showing that mtDNA changes can contribute to the development or progression of cancer. One example of a somatic mtDNA alteration is A12308G, which is located in the variable loop next to the anticodon stem of tRNA Leu (CUN). This alteration has been suggested as a potential diagnostic tool for and as a risk factor for prostate and . A10398G has also been studied in relation to cancer, although the results have been conflicting.

Mitochondrial biomarkers are molecules that can be used to detect cancer in its early stages. A commercial kit (PCMT) has been developed to help with this detection. However, even if cancer is detected early, it can still be difficult to treat if the symptoms have not yet developed. Therefore, researchers are looking into gene therapy and other mitochondrial interventions as potential treatments for cancer. They can use current advancements in vitro mitochondrial intervention to identify the pathogenicity and therapeutic potential of a particular mtDNA mutation. One method proposed is to transfer artificial healthy mitochondria to remove damaged mtDNA without genetic manipulation. Other studies have looked at the levels of mtDNA biomarkers in cancerous and non-cancerous samples, as well as the levels of mtDNA methylation and mtRNA in cancerous tissues.





















#precisionmedicine #onco #Mitoepigenetics #Carcinogenesis #breastcancer #tumorigenesis #inflammation #NonInvasive #biopsy #renalcancer #biomarkers #malignancy #medical #homeostasis #dna #crosstalk #signaling #membrane #mitochondria #singlecell #MtDNA #tumor #epigenetics #tissue #mtMSI #colorectalcancer #diagnostic #cancer #prostate #aging #colorectal #brain #ophthalmoplegia #chemotherapy #blood

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
27 followers · 840 posts · Server brighteon.social


on : Point of no return

Karen , Michael

@ 14:15

“It’s fascinating that they did volunteer to do something so opposite of the interests of their own people.”

#Maloof #Kwiatkowski #energy #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
27 followers · 869 posts · Server brighteon.social


on : Point of no return

Karen , Michael

@ 14:15

“It’s fascinating that they did volunteer to do something so opposite of the interests of their own people.”

#Maloof #Kwiatkowski #energy #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
27 followers · 826 posts · Server brighteon.social


The conflict in Ukraine has created deep divisions all across Europe and beyond. Today, Russia and Europe share virtually no common ground on the matter.

@ 15:45

"The Ukrainian people are the sacrificial lamb in all this."

Nebojsa , Lucas , Adriel

#Kasonta #Gage #Malic #crosstalk

Last updated 2 years ago

· @RoseBongiovanni
27 followers · 826 posts · Server brighteon.social

Since being in , as both a and a service has gotten even better.

No more — RT now finally its .

Yesterday's was enlightening on a host of fronts, the differing viewpoints were intensely revealing.

Thanks .

Also the two time NobelPeacePrize winner on gave insight into the gravity of the crises we are facing if we don't think.

Visit RT.com with Tor Browser.

#banned #europe #website #news #rt #AmazonSoundCloud #selfhost #podcasts #crosstalk #PeterLavelle #GoingUnderground

Last updated 3 years ago

Russia Truth · @russiatruth
12 followers · 63 posts · Server brighteon.social

Our main gripe with RT is they present as a outlet. They failed to talk about third parties during the also.

Have you considered approaching RT yourself? We would think that your ideas for might be something that on would be able to give airtime to. He is always hosting people from .

Maybe on his next "crosstalk" about the we could find you on there :)

Have you seen CrossTalk?

#mainstreammedia #uselection #indymedia #PeterLavelle #crosstalk #independentmedia #mediaLandscape

Last updated 4 years ago

9to5Linux · @9to5linux
4523 followers · 2166 posts · Server floss.social