Longest bike ride in a couple of years this morning. Followed by some coffee contemplation.
Just finished a very sweaty HIIT and hills #peleton #cycling ride. I still can’t stay up from the saddle for as long as the instructor wants me to, but I’m improving and it all helps my leg strength and cardiovascular performance #fitness #FitnessJourney #CrossTraining
#crosstraining #fitnessjourney #fitness #cycling #peleton
Swam ~800m today! Nice and steady, in three chunks with a <1 min rest in between. Woohoo, I’m not going to die at the triathlon!
Now I just need to practice that distance in open water, with no pool ends to bounce off of.
#triathlon #training #running #CrossTraining
#crosstraining #running #training #triathlon
Reminder to self & other #runners: #Fitness is as much about rest as hard #workouts.
Hard training + 6 trail races since I took up #running again last year caught up to me. Sore knees and ankles, deteriorating pace, and finally a stupid fall on a rocky downhill trail due to tired legs.
It’s my offseason, so I just took 5 days off (!) before today's slow 3-miler.
Must spend summer enjoying the runs, #crosstraining & keeping it low-key, before ramp-up to fall race season. Advice welcome.
#runners #fitness #workouts #running #crosstraining
45 mins on the turbo 4x1min intervals with 2 mins recovery.
Tomorrow running and strength work. 💪
9 jours sans #courir et 5 jours sans #crosstraining ou kettlebell.
Ces dernieres semaines, baisse de mes "perfs" (bien grand mot pour désigner ce que je suis capa le de soulever, balancer, etc...), Donc Noël est tombé à pic pour faire une pause !
Ce matin, c'était la reprise : 12km, puis 100 squat-jump.
Et bien qu'est-ce que c'est difficile...mal a démarrer, puis mal partout...
Triste est la vie de l'homme sportif de 40 ans qui s'arrête quelques jours...
Et bonnes fêtes !
Sono #compositore 🎹 e insegnante di sostegno.
Ricerco metodi collaborativi musicali per aumentare la consapevolezza su problemi legati all'#ecologia e all'#ambiente. 🌍🌿🌲
Compongo #colonnesonore #musicadafilm #musicacorale #musicastrumentale.
Mi affascina il mondo del #cinema e del #filmmaking. 🎬🎥📽️
Ho vissuto a #Verona #Manchester #Tallinn.
Ho una #gravel e pratico #cicloturismo. A casa nella mia piccola #homegym pratico amatorialmente #calisthenics #crosstraining.
#presentazione #compositore #ecologia #ambiente #colonnesonore #musicadafilm #musicacorale #musicastrumentale #cinema #filmmaking #verona #manchester #tallinn #gravel #cicloturismo #homegym #calisthenics #crosstraining
Italian #musiccomposer. #Research ways #music can raise awareness on #environmental issues. Working as a #teacher for students with #specialeducationalneeds.
Langs: #Italian #Hungarian #English #French a tiny #Estonian.
Lived in #Verona #Italy #Manchester #UK and #Tallinn #Estonia
Sports: #gravel #calisthenics #crosstraining #bikepacking
#introduction #musiccomposer #research #music #environmental #teacher #Specialeducationalneeds #italian #hungarian #english #french #estonian #verona #italy #manchester #uk #tallinn #estonia #gravel #calisthenics #crosstraining #bikepacking #composition #filmmusic #soundtrack #collaborativemusic #musiccomposition #ecology #environment #acousticecology #specialeducationteacher
Après le run matinal, le #crosstraining du midi.
30mn, efficace, du burpees et des fentes avec poids, des squats et pi c'est tout.
Et ensuite 100 snatchs a la #kettlebell pour terminer.
Bilan :
1 contracture au mollet gauche en arrivant qui s'en est allée.
1 contracture a la fesse gauche qui l'a remplacée.
Assez difficile de lever le bras, heureusement que j'ai pas prévu de boire des pintes aujourd'hui 🍻
#sportaddict #burpees
#crosstraining #kettlebell #sportaddict #burpees
Dimanche après-midi, froid, pluie...
Alors petite séance de #kettlebells a la maison :
Simple & sinistre (100 swings et 10 getup à 24kg)
Wod : 5x5 clean & jerk + row & deadlift
=> Maintena il fait chaud 🔥🔥🔥
#sport #crosstraining #crossfit #entrainement #musculation
#kettlebells #sport #crosstraining #crossfit #entrainement #musculation
hi! 👋 I'm Guillermo, and I live in Marbella, the south of Spain 🇪🇸. I am a contractor software engineer although I mostly end up doing Android work. Currently I'm building an international payments app.
outside work I enjoy playing #music 🎸 (guitar, bass, uke), #crosstraining 🏋️ and #esports 👾 !
#introduction #music #crosstraining #esports
Always great cross training at @kennykimacademy ! Chill vibes, hard training, good people, no off days!
#bjj #jiujitsu #goodvibes #nooffdays #everydayporrada #keeprolling #training #crosstraining #gi #n… https://instagr.am/p/CTKvig4raC9/
#n #gi #crosstraining #Training #KeepRolling #everydayporrada #nooffdays #goodvibes #jiujitsu #bjj