The Teen Angst Puzzle #2023_09_11 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_09_11 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Commonwealth Puzzle #2023_09_08 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_09_08 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
I won this month’s cryptic clue contest on Raider’s ace MyCrossword site! (Or my alter ego Pixie did.) I’ve mislaid my setting mojo lately so this is a lovely boost. My entry was:
Grumpy co-worker or gleeful? (5)
(Solution/spoiler in link.)
#crosswords #cryptics #CrypticCrosswords
#crosswords #cryptics #crypticcrosswords
The Hellenic Puzzle #2023_09_07 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_09_07 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
Was testing the new #GNOME #crosswords for #Fedora and found out about a new movie release. Thanks @blandford for writing this!
The Palazzo del Cinema Puzzle #2023_09_05 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords #venice_2023
#2023_09_05 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords #venice_2023
The Peacekeeping Puzzle #2023_09_04 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_09_04 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
Time to sign up for the Boswords fall themeless league.
Great crosswords by great constructors, run by great people, plus great t-shirts.
#Boswords #Crosswords
About to dive into August’s #1Across. #cryptic #crosswords #crossword #cryptics
#1across #cryptic #crosswords #crossword #cryptics
The Straw Hat Puzzle #2023_08_31 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_31 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Rush Puzzle #2023_08_30 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_30 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Adele Dazeem Puzzle #2023_08_29 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_29 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
Dans Libé ce week-end, une grille spécial Drag Race. Bonne finale à tous et go Keiona !!!
(Et si vous participez à la grille géante de l'été, c'est le dernier jour pour l'envoyer, par mail ou par voie postale)
#motscroises #crosswords #dragrace
The NYT Crossword: A Popular Puzzle With a Dedicated Fanbase
#Crosswords #newyorktimes #NYT #puzzles #wordgames
#crosswords #newyorktimes #nyt #puzzles #wordgames
Try A Word Puzzle For A Little Extra Challenge
#answers #clues #Crosswords #wordgames #Wordpuzzles
#answers #clues #crosswords #wordgames #WordPuzzles
The Upper West Side Puzzle #2023_08_22 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_22 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Prediction Puzzle #2023_08_21 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_21 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Dog Puzzle #2023_08_18 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_18 #vulture #malaika_handa #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
The Sterling Puzzle #2023_08_17 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords
#2023_08_17 #vulture #stella_zawistowski #vulture_10x10 #vulture_crossword #crosswords