Tomaten-Wassermelonen- #Gazpacho
#vegan #vegetarisch #Ottolenghi #simpel #SchnellGemacht #KalteSuppe
#Tomaten #Knoblauch #Stangensellerie #Zwiebel #Wassermelone #Weißbrot kleinschneiden + mit passierten Tomaten #Basilikum #Balsamico #Olivenöl + SalzPfeffer im Mixer pürieren. Kalt stellen.
Croutons: Weißbrot würfeln, in einer Schüssel mit Olivenöl Balsamico + Salz vermischen + in einer Pfanne knusprig braten.
Die Suppe mit den #Croutons und Basilikum anrichten + mit etwas Olivenöl beträufeln.
#croutons #olivenol #Balsamico #basilikum #Weißbrot #Wassermelone #zwiebel #Stangensellerie #knoblauch #tomaten #kaltesuppe #schnellgemacht #simpel #Ottolenghi #vegetarisch #vegan #gazpacho
Snapped scrumptious, definitely recommend it🍕🦬 🍪🍦🧀🍗🥔
#PizzaRanch #Pizza
#Dinner #Supper
#Buffet #CheeseStix
#Chips #Breadsticks
#PotatoWedges #Pudding
#Breadsticks #Drumstick
#CactusBread #SoftServe
#Croutons #Cookie
#BuffaloChicken #Lakeville
#lakeville #buffalochicken #cookie #croutons #SoftServe #cactusbread #drumstick #pudding #potatowedges #breadsticks #chips #cheesestix #buffet #supper #dinner #pizza #pizzaranch
#Soup #Lunch #Croutons #Satisfying
Few things are better on a cold snowy day than adding the last bit of croutons to the scant 1/2 cup of soup in the bottom of the bowl, letting it soak and polishing off every bit of broth.
#soup #lunch #croutons #satisfying
I love croutons in my soup but my homemade ones were never quite right. My friend MB was talking about her croutons this morning so I asked, and she told me the method she uses to make hers. I switched up the seasonings to what I had in the cupboard and they are SO GOOD! Thanks MB!
#soup #gardein #italianwedding #croutons #vegetarian #toledovegetarian #vegetarian419 #food #cranky_vegetarian
#soup #gardein #italianwedding #croutons #vegetarian #toledovegetarian #vegetarian419 #food #cranky_vegetarian
Well, it's been a week so is it time for an #introduction?
Debbi here 👋! I live in #LosAngeles and work for the local #PBS stations. No, I won't shake you down for a donation but my team might send you a tote bag.
In no particular order I like:
#beaches and the #ocean
#hiking and #walking
#books and #reading
#DS9 and #Babylon5 and #Scifi
#Movies #film #TV
Please come find me and give a follow.
#introduction #losangeles #pbs #beaches #ocean #croutons #hiking #walking #nonprofit #travel #mystery #books #reading #ds9 #babylon5 #SciFi #sherlockholmes #LuciferNetflix #seaotters #movies #film #tv
Just took out our homemade #glutenfree #croutons for #thanksgiving
#thanksgiving #croutons #glutenfree
Just took out our homemade #glutenfree #croutons for #thanksgiving
#thanksgiving #croutons #glutenfree