The writings, then, about the origins of autism by Silberman, Sheffer, and Czech, are not crow funerals—though an autistics' reading group working through them together, would be.
Me, with autistic followers, posting serially about autism's origins ... not quite a crow funeral.
Placing those posts in one spot, where autistics can find them?
A slow, casual, come-as-you-are crow funeral:
#CrowFuneral #ActuallyAutistic #Autism #NazisConstructedAutism
#crowfuneral #actuallyautistic #autism #nazisconstructedautism
The Starry Night thread is now a single-visit crow funeral at @crowfun.
Crow funeral? Harm reduction:
Reducing what's unsaid, unseen, and taboo in our pervasive allistixplaining-as-a-service social economy.
@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy
#NazisConstructedAutism #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #CrowFuneral
#nazisconstructedautism #autism #actuallyautistic #crowfuneral
Starry Night is a Crow Funeral ... for Autistics.
A crow funeral, for crows, is a gathering around an untimely death in order to process the circumstances of that crow's passing. To collectively recognize what happened, in part to avoid a repeat.
Autistics as well have our untimely dead, and our dead their lessons.
We only recently found out those lessons were even there. Absorbing and incorporating them will take time and intention.
#crowfuneral #actuallyautistic #autism
Hence crow funerals
We have enough historical knowledge now to create proper ... funeral liturgies? No. More, after-action reports. Critical incident stress debriefings.
Crow funerals for autistics might best have begun at the end of WWII. We're playing catch-up now, after eighty-plus years of being held back.
Plenty of work to do yet. Plenty to undo as well.
@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy
#CrowFuneral #ActuallyAutistic #Autism
#crowfuneral #actuallyautistic #autism
Who's @MightBeAutistic?
@MightBeAutistic is an autistic psychotherapist with 35k Twitter followers. They've been on my short list (literally 5-7 accounts) of daily reads for autism since their account turned up in April of 2022. And they don't need my help.
They simply articulate a fundamental question for making sense of our world as autistic people. A question I'd answered for myself a few years ago, just as a writing exercise.
Seeing the question put as starkly as it is there felt a bit like getting chocolate in my peanut butter.
Which is how this all ended up online.
ctd/ "...a history of difficulties developing and maintaining friendships & relationships...aggression and self-injurious behaviour & behaviors of deficit..."
Then we are straight into saying how wonderful Lovaas is. Let's remind ourselves of Lovaas's methods...content warning.
— @annmemmott #CrowFuneral
I want to know how many Professors and other senior researchers have sat and watched this disaster-area over the last nearly 100 years. And why they did absolutely nothing to bring about ethical standards.
Being clear that there are some Professors and other senior researchers who have indeed steered people into ethical ways of doing research.
But I can think of a few big names who seem entirely silent about all of this. I wonder if they will claim they didn't know?
— @annmemmott (since deleted) #CrowFuneral
NTs be like: autistic people have no empathy.
Also NTs: we won't *ever* treat you better just by seeing how much you're struggling.
(Folks, don't think that you will "earn" anything just because you're struggling. The only way is to fight hard for your rights.)
— @nttakes #CrowFuneral
Like I'm just seeing a lot of confused reactions to autistic people being very straightforwardly autistic and I feel like this could easily have been avoided with some basic listening and empathy skills from the neurotype that's supposedly much better at those things
— @sneurotypicals #CrowFuneral
The writings, then, about the origins of autism by Silberman, Sheffer, and Czech, are not crow funerals—though an autistics' reading group working through them together, would be.
Me, with autistic followers, posting serially about autism's origins ... not quite a crow funeral.
Placing those posts in one spot, where autistics can find them?
A slow, casual, come-as-you-are crow funeral.
#crowfuneral #actuallyautistic #autism
If you're playing along at home with #NazisConstructedAutism, you may have already realized that what I'm doing here is holding a #CrowFuneral for autistics.
If you need a second to Google "crow funeral," I'll wait.
Okay. In, say, infosec terms, crow funerals are DFIR reports. Or full vulnerability disclosures, with autistics the primary stakeholders.
Once we get to the end of the alphabet I'll pull all this together in one place with a little more explanation.
#nazisconstructedautism #crowfuneral #autism #actuallyautistic