CROWN THE EMPIRE feiern die Veröffentlichung von "Dogma" mit einem neuen Musikvideo: Neben dem Start des neuen Albums "Dogma" können sich CROWN THE EMPIRE Fans über ein neues Musivideo freuen. #crowntheempire #News
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1sRockShowWithDanielPCarter
Crown the Empire:
🎵 Black Sheep
#nowplaying #radio1srockshowwithdanielpcarter #bbcr1 #crowntheempire
CROWN THE EMPIRE verkünden Veröffentlichungsdatum ihres neuen Albums: Im Frühjahr erscheint das mittlerweile fünfte Album von CROWN THE EMPIRE. #crowntheempire #News
Oh my… mine would be:
#StandUpAndScream - #AskingAlexandria
#Brothers - #TheBlackKeys
#BeTheVoid - #DrDog
#Torches - #FosterThePeople
#Artpop - #LadyGaga
#SomeNights - #Fun
#AttackAttack! - Attack Attack!
#TheFallout - #CrownTheEmpire
#InfinityOnHigh - #FalloutBoy
#Challenger - #MemphisMayFire
Most are from my teenage years. I didn’t really start listening to albums until then. My music taste has definitely changed, but some of these I still love to this day!
#standupandscream #askingalexandria #brothers #theblackkeys #bethevoid #drdog #torches #fosterthepeople #artpop #ladygaga #somenights #fun #attackattack #thefallout #crowntheempire #infinityonhigh #falloutboy #challenger #memphismayfire
#musicmonday Immortalize by Crown the Empire
#music #metalcore #crowntheempire #geeksocial #theothergeeks #band #social
#musicmonday #music #metalcore #crowntheempire #geeksocial #theothergeeks #band #social