crow · @crow
54 followers · 98 posts · Server

Dearest followers, it's a bit later in the day than normal, but Crow's Curios #6 is now available:

The collection for this week includes:

-Electro-Mechanical Soviet Space Computers (via @kenshirriff)

-A video showing how simple jammers can cause chaos (via

-The first ever photograph, which wasn't the Daguerreotype!

-A timely reminder to pause, breathe and reflect (via @colorfulmartian)

Whatever your time zone, I hope you enjoy this week's edition!

#history #space #photography #crowscurios

Last updated 2 years ago

crow · @crow
43 followers · 87 posts · Server

Hello dear followers, I'm happy to deliver Crow's Curios #5 into your feed this fine EST morning:

This week my collection includes:

-A 45 year old communication protocol called "Finger" (via @ruari and @benbrown)

-The process for updating Chuck E. Cheese animatronics, using floppies in 2023!

-An addicting game called Alpine Alpaca (via @johanpeitz)

-The first ever "laptop", which you can emulate via the Internet Archive.

-A Portuguese Counterfeiting Caper (via @Rose_On_Mars)

So brew a cup of coffee or tea, cuddle up in a blanket, and enjoy these shiny web things!

(photo by Marcin Wichary, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

#retrocomputing #finger #chuckecheese #pico8 #crowscurios

Last updated 2 years ago

crow · @crow
38 followers · 76 posts · Server

Crow's Curios #4 is hot off the presses! Or the servers I guess in this case...

This week my shiny web collection consists of:

-An essay extolling the virtues of obsessive curiosity by @clive

-The history of the "Basketball Mile" world record.

-The world's first car, from 1770.

-Wonderful street photography by @omi_geek

Hopefully these curios inspire you as much as they inspired me!

#obsessivecuriosity #cars #history #streetphotography #crowscurios

Last updated 2 years ago