#NotNews24 #UnbreaklingAfternoonTeaAndABunNotNews... #NotNearly24... #OftenLess... #FarMoreFrequentlyFewer...
We're #Ready for #PartialMowSeptember...
We had to #Relocate 8 x #LittleFroggoes that had #TakenUpResidence in the #LongGrass... They now #Live alongside the #Fish that aren't in our #OurLittleStream as #Part of the #CrueltyFreeFishing #Programme...
#TrueStory on a #TrueTrueTuesday
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#notnews24 #unbreaklingafternoonteaandabunnotnews #notnearly24 #oftenless #farmorefrequentlyfewer #ready #partialmowseptember #relocate #littlefroggoes #takenupresidence #longgrass #live #fish #ourlittlestream #part #crueltyfreefishing #programme #truestory #truetruetuesday
#IT's a #GloriousDay for some #CrueltyFreeFishing...
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#it #gloriousday #crueltyfreefishing
There aren't #AnyFish in #OurLittleStream; there never has been...
But, we'll #Still #SellYou a #Licence and #Charge the #AccessFee, and you can #SitQuietly under the #Camellia and #GoFishing, even though there aren't #AnyFish... #IT's #CrueltyFreeFishing...
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#anyfish #ourlittlestream #still #sellyou #licence #charge #accessfee #sitquietly #camellia #gofishing #it #crueltyfreefishing #genius
#JustInCase you're #Wondering about the #Origins of: #CrueltyFreeFishing...
Our #Camellia has #FloweredAgain; #IT does that, #Everytime #EachYear around #ThisTime...
#IT's #DoneITAgain, too...
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#meanwhie #justincase #wondering #origins #crueltyfreefishing #camellia #floweredagain #it #everytime #eachyear #thistime #doneitagain