After playing around in the live sessions I went with @maboxlinux
I did enjoy #BunsenLabs Linux and may revisit again. #Crunchbang++ was too sparse for me.
I am looking into Openbox centric distros. Which one should I start off with?
#openbox #linux #MaboxLinux #crunchbang #bunsenlabs
#Viernesdeescritorio desde Debian 12 (distribución crunchbang ++).
#viernesdeescritorio #gnu #debian #linux #crunchbang #opensource
Openbox-based CrunchBang++ 12.0 Released with Debian 12 "Bookworm" Base
#Linux #OpenSource #Debian #crunchbang
Since switching to #linux fulltime in 2002, I have only ever daily driven 4 Linux distros....
#linux #fedora #debian #crunchbang #archlinux
#crunchbang was a debian derivative that that was abandoned by its creator & became #bunsenlabs linux
seems somone has resurrected crunchbang and put debian 11 into it
if the battery is OK then that #Thinkpad X301 is a great lightweight netbook type machine
#crunchbang #bunsenlabs #thinkpad
@Micetto my first distro to use Openbox was the venerable #! - #Crunchbang - led by Corenomial. I loved it.
Generally speaking the best low spec distros are #crunchbang or #Manjaro #XFCE
I've seen rave reviews of #Zorin but I've never used it.
#crunchbang #manjaro #xfce #zorin
I'm very much enjoying #Lithium from BunsenLabs at the moment.
Carrying on from where #CrunchBang left off, it's derived from #Debian 10, which means even though I'm a Windows boy, I know my way around.
It sits in a VM beautifully, it runs #OpenBox, it relies on lots of keyboard shortcuts, and hasn't got any extra crap in it, so it's fast out the box.
I'm sure you could customise #Ubuntu easily enough to get there, but out of the box, this is simple and quick and doesn't kill my RAM.
Worth a try, give the ISO a spin.
#lithium #crunchbang #debian #openbox #ubuntu
@gabriel el problema no es que no estén bien cuidadas #Bunsenlabs o #Crunchbang+ sino que hay que estar acostumbrado a #openbox y eso no es para todos. Aunque aligera cualquier distro, para configurarlo a tu gusto o que sea “visual” es un dolor de narices con #conky. Como tú desinstalé…
#bunsenlabs #crunchbang #openbox #conky
#Crunchbang was great. Got me through those dark days! Super lightweight, minimalistic #Linux #distro built on top of #Debian but could run on a toaster. Shame they discontinued it but glad the community seems to have forked it and built something new with it.
#debian #distro #Linux #crunchbang
I wonder if I stil have a photo from when i was like 14 and running a double-monitor setup from a Samsung #netbook running #Crunchbang #linux because I couldn't afford anything better. That really does get you used to terminal and fixing up your dependencies etc.
When did the Zorin Appearance app reduce the number of options? The customisability of #zorin is one of my favourite things.
Now my desktop doesn't look like #crunchbang anymore 😢
@Tay0 Ah, yes, the #crunchbang tradition. Alpine setup with openbox with a similar look would be awesome.
Okay Fediverse, what Linux distro should I hop to next?
Target is my should-be-mostly-functional laptop (Thinkpad T460). It currently has Linux Mint 18 (!) on it, and is due for a refresh. History: my older, okay-if-it's-a-little-broken laptop is currently running Arch, and was Slackware before that. Desktop is Xubuntu, in-home server is Fedora.
For this one, looking for something with reasonable package management and stability, vaguely on the less fiddly side but not totally opposed to fiddling. Otherwise, pretty open.
I've been hearing #Alpine a lot these days. Is #Crunchbang still cool? I don't know where it lies on the fiddly spectrum. Is #Nix a distro or a package manager?? Is #Wayland functional yet? I haven't been keeping up that much on Linux distros lately and I don't know what the scene is, so stump for your faves 😄
#askmastodon #askfediverse #distrohopping #linux :boost_ok:
#linux #distrohopping #askfediverse #askmastodon #wayland #nix #crunchbang #alpine
I was a proud user of #! (CrunchBang) distro until the project ended back in 2015. The fact that it was so clean and simple was very appealing to me, used Openbox wm and i like it very much.
Then the project ended and changed hands, now is named Bunsenlabs, still in development and it's nice if you want a distro based on Debian.
But imo betten than all that is Archlabs, based on Bunsenlabs, Arch based, it's easy to install and has i3 as an option for WM.
#crunchbang #bunsenlabs #archlabs
Installing #bunsenlabs on my old laptop again. Brings back happy memories of when #crunchbang was my daily driver...
TIL (by way of fat fingers) a new quicker gui way to shut down #ubuntu.
SuperKey, then back tick (`).
Brought up options similar to Super+X on #CrunchBang.
Obvs faster from the cli, but not everyone lives on the cli.
(shuffling back to the cli...)
I sort of really miss my experience with #Crunchbang, for whatever drawbacks it did have.
I'd have to do more customizing and tweaking but, even with 16GB of RAM, #Cinnamon still feels sluggish and slow. Even without my ridiculous webbrowser habits (or any webbrowser running, at all), things still don't feel remotely as snappy as running #Openbox did.
I'd probably want #Ubuntu over #Debian, though; and hesitant to try #LXQt since I'm so used to #GTK. Maybe I should just bite the bullet, tho…
#crunchbang #cinnamon #openbox #ubuntu #debian #lxqt #gtk
@ignitionigel @jason I ran #crunchbang on my old laptop until it forked, then I installed #bunsenlabs. Lightweight and well-featured.
I'd have that on my new laptop, but the kernel yin can't handle the shiny new hardware on my laptop, (and I'm disinclined to hack about too much when 18.04 runs just fine)