If you are stuck dealing with #CrunchyData or #Bitnami for modern #postgresql in #k8s, let me turn you on to cloudnative-pg.io
TL;DR: An operator and CRDs for managing #psql on #k8s that actually fulfills the promise of the operator pattern. It just, you know, *operates* the stupid thing for you. And its multi-arch.
Amusingly, I found out about it because Crunchydata insists that ARM is super hard and reserved for enterprise customers only. (They've since made contrite noises about walking that back, but no actual movement yet.)
I've been running it for about 15 minutes and so far I am blown away. And weirdly it does not appear to have tried to spy on me! That oversight aside, it comes with full #prometheus support, base alarms, and a VERY nice #grafana dashboard. Handles clustering, failover, scaling, upgrades, all the things.
#postgresql #cloudnative #kubernetes #arm64 #homelab #turingpi
#crunchydata #bitnami #PostgreSQL #k8s #psql #prometheus #grafana #cloudnative #kubernetes #arm64 #homelab #TuringPi
Souvenirs from dad’s business trip were a success
(Not pictured: #CrunchyData coloring book and sticker set 👌)
#crunchydata #railsconf #postgresql #rubyonrails
Hey #PostgreSQL peeps - what is the best "fully loaded" #Postgres container available right now.
I want extensions like PostGIS and pl/python or pl/r already in the container image.
Looking to use it local app development, NOT in kube.
I maintained one when I was at #CrunchyData but I think they no longer maintain it and I can't find it in DockerHub.
#PostgreSQL #postgres #crunchydata
#PostgreSQL with #Crunchydata and @tailscale - an incredible combination!
#PostgreSQL with #Crunchydata and @tailscale - an incredible combination!