A new book and a new way of thinking about the Crusades
https://www.medievalists.net/2023/09/new-medieval-books-crusades-and-violence/ #books #crusades #history
Today's poem:
- by Jean Reboul
#AiguesMortes #france #crusades #history #poetry #JeanReboul #port #SaltMarsh #salt #SaltPans
#aiguesmortes #france #crusades #history #poetry #jeanreboul #port #saltmarsh #salt #saltpans
Religious leaders have been major factor in war and conflict for more than a thousand years. Learn about the #Crusades on this History Channel page. https://www.history.com/topics/middle-ages/crusades
Har tittat på #kingdomofheaven med sonen. Det är en helt okej film om man ser Director's Cut utgåvan (ser man på bio versionen not so much). Den är dock inte en film som är historiskt korrekt. Men det spelar mindre roll om den kan få någon att vilja veta mer om de historiska personerna. För mig är en bra historisk film en film som får åskådaren att vilja veta mer. Gör den det så har den enligt mig tjänat sitt syfte. #historia #medeltid #korstågen #crusades #middleages #History
#History #middleages #crusades #korstagen #medeltid #historia #kingdomofheaven
The Battle of Nicopolis in September 1396 CE, also known as the Nicopolis Crusade, was an attempt by French, Hungarian, and other European allies to curb the threat of the Ottoman Turks as they pressed ever westwards into Europe. https://www.worldhistory.org/Battle_of_Nicopolis/ #History #BattleofNicopolis #Crusades
#crusades #battleofnicopolis #History
The Ottoman Sultanate (1299-1922 as an empire; 1922-1924 as caliphate only), also referred to as the Ottoman Empire, written in Turkish as Osmanlı Devleti, was a Turkic imperial state that was conceived by and named after Osman (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Ottoman_Empire/ #History #Crusades #IslamicCaliphates #MehmedII
#mehmedii #islamiccaliphates #crusades #History
A very insightful article from Nicholas Morton about the crusades https://www.medievalists.net/2023/07/could-crusader-states-survived/ #crusades #medieval #history
The German Crusade of 1197 CE, also known as the 'Emperor's Crusade', was led by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI (r. https://www.worldhistory.org/German_Crusade_1197-8_CE/ #History #Crusades #FourthCrusade #GermanCrusade1197-8CE
#germancrusade1197 #fourthcrusade #crusades #History
#SynodofVerona #ErfurtLatrine #HolyRomanEmpire #Crusades #Heretics
A land dispute, and, as is often the case, the two fighting over the lands, the landgrave or count, and the archbishop survived, and nearly 100 'innocent' people died. Good argument in favor of public vs. private property, separation of church and state. These disputes always lead to shit!
#synodofverona #erfurtlatrine #holyromanempire #crusades #heretics
Artillery weapons in medieval Europe included the mounted crossbow (ballista) and single-arm torsion catapult (mangonel), both similar to ancient Roman machines. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1231/artillery-in-medieval-europe/ #History #Crusades #DoverCastle #FirstCrusade
#firstcrusade #dovercastle #crusades #History
4 de Julio de 1187 el ejército cruzado bajo las ordenes de Guido de Lusignan es prácticamente aniquilado por las tropas ayyubíes dirigidas por el sultán Saladino en la Batalla de los Cuernos de Hattim. #efemerides #history #historia #crusades #hattim
#hattim #crusades #historia #history #efemerides
The Crusader States (aka the Latin East or Outremer) were created after the First Crusade (1095-1102 CE) in order to keep hold of the territorial gains made by Christian armies in the Middle East. https://www.worldhistory.org/Crusader_States/ #History #CrusaderStates #Crusades #Edessa
#Edessa #crusades #crusaderstates #History
Richard I of England, also known as Richard the Lionheart (Cœur de Lion), reigned as king of England from 1189 to 1199 CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/Richard_I_of_England/ #History #Crusades #EleanorofAquitaine #HenryIIofEngland
#henryiiofengland #eleanorofaquitaine #crusades #History
Oh look! #Christians are pretending #Trump is a devout follower who "puts God first", and was sent by God to save America, again! And they wonder why the rest of the country views them as amoral hypocrites. These people are a joke.
#Christofascists #ChristianNationalism #Crusades #Inquisition #barbarism #ChristianLies #fascism
#Christians #trump #christofascists #ChristianNationalism #crusades #inquisition #barbarism #christianlies #fascism
Sorry, Hawley, but #Christianity is responsible for #slavery, and it was abolished in spite of the faith, not because of it. If #Christians had their way, wealthy, white landowners would still own black people today. And let's be clear; Christianity is responsible for more human suffering than any other cause in world history.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #Christofascists #ChristianNationalism #Crusades #Inquisition
#christianity #slavery #Christians #GOPfascists #goplies #christofascists #ChristianNationalism #crusades #inquisition
The German Crusade of 1197 CE, also known as the 'Emperor's Crusade', was led by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI (r. https://www.worldhistory.org/German_Crusade_1197-8_CE/ #History #Crusades #FourthCrusade #GermanCrusade1197-8CE
#germancrusade1197 #fourthcrusade #crusades #History
The Siege of Acre in 1291 CE was the final fatal blow to Christian Crusader ambitions in the Holy Land. https://www.worldhistory.org/article/1267/the-siege-of-acre-1291-ce/ #History #Acre #CrusaderStates #Crusades
#crusades #crusaderstates #acre #History
The latest piece in Steve Tibble's series on crime during the Crusader era