Today's useless random number is 5130543 ︒︒︒#ArchLinux: In the beginning was the command line. ︒︒︒#CruxLinux, much same. Different flavor, though︒︒︒#NixusLinux, I forgot my password. Shall reinstall even if I remember it ︒︒︒#ParabolaLinux is next in line!
#parabolalinux #nixuslinux #cruxlinux #archlinux
I had to copy-past #NeuroTypo "︒︒︒" from my post before last on this instance. Love me some kludge ︒︒︒#LinuxConsole, #ParabolaLinux, and #CruxLinux are my Christmas gifts to myself ︒︒︒I'm hearing endogenous monotonous loop music. Second verse, same as the first!
#cruxlinux #parabolalinux #linuxconsole #neurotypo