📅 #NOTICIAS: #BebésLlorones Lágrimas Mágicas 📰
El gran juego, de la franquicia #Crybabies lleva el entretenimiento a consolas con una edición física gracias a #TesuraGames y #MergeGames
🌐Info: https://www.slayers.es/2023/06/bebes-llorones-para-septiembre.html
#️⃣Tags: #aventura #rompecabezas #PS4 #NintendoSwitch #PS5 #Steam #Xbox
#noticias #bebesllorones #crybabies #tesuragames #mergegames #tags #aventura #rompecabezas #PS4 #nintendoswitch #ps5 #steam #xbox
#CryBabies #SoreLosers #Republicans This is the new legacy of #Trump #Republicanism
Followed by threats of #Violence
#crybabies #sorelosers #republicans #Trump #republicanism #violence
What a #cryBabies #Barca fans can be. #OMG #LaLiga #fraude
#fraude #laliga #omg #barca #crybabies
American "Democrats" are #1 in being ridiculous.
#crybabies #selectiveoutrage #projecting #hypocrisy
The #GOP again prove that they’re petty children throwing a #tantru. What a bunch of #crybabies.
Gimme a break #russia #ukraine #crybabies #war #zelensky
#Russia #ukraine #crybabies #war #zelensky
”Nu vill Sverigedemokraterna i Stockholm stoppa Nobelstiftelsen från att ha nobelfesten i Stadshuset om inte Jimmie Åkesson bjuds in.”
Next world cup idea:
Have one official stand next to the pitch, loaded with Lollipops and Grammy Awards.
So when a football players fake cries when they get fouled, the official can walk up to the player, give him a lolly and a trophy for his efforts.
This will instantly cure any injuries the fouled player could have had. #magic #acting #crybabies
Which team do I hate more, Yankees or Guardians? This is a hard one.
#crybabies #wokeassmotherfucksers
Which team do I hate more, Yankees or Guardians? This is a hard one.
#crybabies #wokeassmotherfucksers
yup. we are supposed to have compassion for the Warren buffer BillyBob Gates and the ZuckBorg
. :blobthinkingcool:
cry me a river.
We care not about these plutocrat's feelings
no conservatives allowed...
#notallowed #conservatives #rightringers #crybabies #whiners #conservativemotherfuckers #getout #republicanfailure #neonsign
#notallowed #whiners #republicanfailure #neonsign #conservatives #rightringers #crybabies #conservativemotherfuckers #getout
no conservatives allowed...
#notallowed #conservatives #rightringers #crybabies #whiners #conservativemotherfuckers #getout #republicanfailure #neonsign
#notallowed #whiners #republicanfailure #neonsign #conservatives #rightringers #crybabies #conservativemotherfuckers #getout
What a bunch of #crybabies! #Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine. #Playboy #BrianKarem #Acosta http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_595390cfe4b02734df2ebcd5/amp?section=us_politics
#crybabies #whine #playboy #briankarem #acosta