Professor Mark Osborn · @MicrobialLife
403 followers · 57 posts · Server

Thanks for sharing @ipbes

Svalbard is one of my favourite places in the world. I was lucky enough to visit twice doing research on in Ny Alesund - the most memorable I've ever experienced and a wonderful international community to live in.

#glacier #cryoconite #MicrobialEcology #fieldwork #science

Last updated 2 years ago

Arwyn Edwards · @arwynedwards
228 followers · 67 posts · Server

As a way of extending an to the I have most fun doing, I'll do a few tweets on different areas of our .

We are excited to be in a team led by UNIS Svalbard: The BIOICE project explores on glaciers in .

There, it's so cold, these pothole-like are sealed by ice lids for years/decades. But, there are millions of trapped inside these icy greenhouses, and they form the southerly limit of photosynthesis on Earth.

#introduction #Science #research #cryoconite #antarctica #ecosystems #microbes

Last updated 2 years ago

Arwyn Edwards · @arwynedwards
228 followers · 67 posts · Server

As a way of extending an to the science I have most fun doing, I'll do a few tweets on different areas of our .

Firstly - on is dark granules of dust bundled by , forming pot-hole like ecosystems. I'm a career-long cryoconite nerd.

One of our papers shows how the cryoconite microbiome is stabilised at optimal levels of primary production by 3D reshaping of the physical on 's ice.

Paper: sfamjournals.onlinelibrary.wil

#introduction #research #cryoconite #glaciers #cyanobacteria #ecosystem #greenland

Last updated 2 years ago

Arwyn Edwards · @arwynedwards
228 followers · 67 posts · Server

As an - Hi, I’m Arwyn. I’m a Reader in Biosciences at University in . I’m a research led teacher in working on how the diversity, interactions, dispersal and functions of intersect with planet scaled problems. Mostly change but spent the last years in pandemic response for institution & government. I like , sequencing, and kitkats. Not necessarily in that order.

#introduction #Aberystwyth #Cymru #microbiology #microbes #arctic #cryoconite #nanopore

Last updated 2 years ago