Developing #Privacy Tools with #John_Ozbay from #Cryptee Web App
What goes into developing a private & secure service? Today we sit down with John Ozbay from Cryptee to discuss the inner-workings of their open source tools.
@techlore @hen
Reading a lot of folks giving up on #Evernote and moving on to other tools.
Every person needs to find a toolset that works for them.
Looks like I'm going end up being the last one out to turn off the lights when I leave, 'cause it's still working for me and my 14k notes.
(That said, for notes that I need encrypted, I use #Cryptee).
Alternative a Google Photos
Volete cancellarvi da Google ma non sapete dove mettere le vostre foto private senza Google Photos? Ecco alcune alternative a Google Photos!
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#Google #amazon #cloud #cryptee #ente #foto #google #jottacloud #photo #piwigo #stingle
#google #amazon #cloud #cryptee #ente #foto #jottacloud #photo #piwigo #stingle
Alternative a Microsoft Office
Andiamo alla scoperta delle alternative alla suite Office di Microsoft come ad esempio il mitico LibreOffice!
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#OltreGoogle #calc #calcolo #cryptee #cryptpad #doc #documenti #libreoffice #microsoft #office #openoffice #scrittura #zoho
#OltreGoogle #calc #calcolo #cryptee #cryptpad #doc #documenti #libreoffice #microsoft #office #openoffice #scrittura #zoho
I've been thinking about cutting back my expenses on SaaS subscriptions. My current setup is #MailboxOrg + #AnonAddy + #EteSync + #Nextcloud (might replace with #Cryptee) + #MullvadVPN. If I sign up for #Proton Plus, I'll get the equivalent of all five services for almost the same price or cheaper, depending on the subscription period. I'm kinda concerned about putting all my data in one provider, though.
#MastoMind, what do you think? Should I keep my current setup or switch to Proton Plus?
#mailboxorg #AnonAddy #etesync #nextcloud #cryptee #MullvadVPN #proton #mastomind
💻OS: @elementary
📱Mobile OS: @e_mydata ?
🔍Search: @Mojeek
🌐Browser: #firefox
📧Email: @mailbox_org
💬Messaging: #signal / @threemaapp
🔐Passwords: @bitwarden
☁️Cloud storage: @read #cryptee c'est vraiment pas mal mais c'est dommage qu'on ne puisse pas partager des photos, albums ou documents et je trouve le prix un peu cher. #cryptee
Lemmy dal 18 al 24 aprile
Gli aggiornamenti da Lemmy dal 18 al 24 aprile: web scraping legale, l'estradizione di Julian Assange e la de-AMPizzazione di Brave
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#daLemmy #amp #assange #bing #brave #codicesconto #crittografiaend-to-end #cryptee #duckduckgo #libretube #meta #webscraping
#daLemmy #amp #assange #bing #brave #codicesconto #crittografiaend #cryptee #duckduckgo #LibreTube #meta #webscraping
Alternative a Google Docs
All'interno di questo articolo troverete molte valide alternative a Google Docs. Alternative sicure, crittografate e libere!
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#Google #alternative #appleiphone #crittografia #cryptee #cryptpad #docs #documenti #google #jottacloud #open-source #zoho
#google #alternative #appleiphone #crittografia #cryptee #cryptpad #docs #documenti #jottacloud #open #zoho
Alternative a Google Photos
Volete cancellarvi da Google ma non sapete dove mettere le vostre foto private senza Google Photos? Forse abbiamo l'alternativa giusta per voi!
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#Google #alternative #amazon #appleiphone #cloud #cryptee #ente #foto #google #jottacloud #photo #piwigo
#google #alternative #amazon #appleiphone #cloud #cryptee #ente #foto #jottacloud #photo #piwigo
Alternative a Google Drive
Se cercate delle alternative crittografate ed open source a Google Drive questo è l'articolo che fa per voi! Ecco una sfilza di alternative
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#Google #cloud #cryptee #drive #file #gdrive #google #hosting #jottacloud #mega #nextcloud #opacity #sync #tresorit #veracrypt #wolkli
#google #cloud #cryptee #drive #file #gdrive #hosting #jottacloud #mega #nextcloud #opacity #sync #tresorit #veracrypt #wolkli
Great discussion with #cryptee's CEO going over some challenges of building secure and private services:
Alternative a Microsoft Office
Andiamo alla scoperta delle alternative alla suite Office di Microsoft. Con LibreOffice potrete fare le stesse cose gratuitamente e senza alcun pericolo per la vostra privacy!
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#OltreGoogle #alternative #appleiphone #calc #calcolo #cryptee #cryptpad #doc #documenti #libreoffice #microsoft #office #openoffice #scrittura #zoho
#OltreGoogle #alternative #appleiphone #calc #calcolo #cryptee #cryptpad #doc #documenti #libreoffice #microsoft #office #openoffice #scrittura #zoho
Volete cancellarvi da Google ma non sapete dove mettere le vostre foto private senza Google Photos? Forse abbiamo l’alternativa giusta per voi!
#alternative #google #googlephotos #photos #cryptee #ente #stingle --> LINK -->
#alternative #google #googlephotos #photos #cryptee #ente #stingle
Un evergreen sempre interessante e che aggiorniamo sempre in continuazione. Quale alternativa a Google Drive? Vi proponiamo tanti servizi utili e sicuri!
#alternative #tresorit #mega #nextcloud #cryptee #pcloud #icedrive #kdrive #jottacloud // LINK ->
#alternative #tresorit #mega #nextcloud #cryptee #pcloud #icedrive #kdrive #jottacloud
Una serie di alternative a Google Photos, conoscete già Piwigo, Cryptee e Jottacloud? 📷
#alternative #12agosto #googlephotos #photos #piwigo #cryptee #jottacloud
#alternative #12agosto #googlephotos #photos #piwigo #cryptee #jottacloud