#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS | #Beanstalk #DeFi platform loses $182 million in #flash_loan #attack
The #decentralized, #credit_based #finance system #Beanstalk disclosed on Sunday that it suffered a #security_breach that resulted in financial #losses of $182 million, the attacker #stealing $80 million in #crypto_assets.
Beanstalk's market has been #compromised, and the value of its decentralized credit-based BEAN #stablecoin has #collapsed..
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/..
#collapsed #stablecoin #compromised #crypto_assets #stealing #losses #security_breach #finance #credit_based #decentralized #attack #flash_loan #DeFi #beanstalk #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS | #Beanstalk #DeFi platform loses $182 million in #flash_loan #attack
The #decentralized, #credit_based #finance system #Beanstalk disclosed on Sunday that it suffered a #security_breach that resulted in financial #losses of $182 million, the attacker #stealing $80 million in #crypto_assets.
Beanstalk's market has been #compromised, and the value of its decentralized credit-based BEAN #stablecoin has #collapsed..
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/..
#collapsed #stablecoin #compromised #crypto_assets #stealing #losses #security_breach #finance #credit_based #decentralized #attack #flash_loan #DeFi #beanstalk #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
Diskussionspapier zur #Bilanzierung von #crypto_assets und #crypto_liabilities
European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
Discussion Paper
Accounting for crypto-assets (liabilities):
Holders and Issuer Perspective
July 2020
#bilanzierung #crypto_assets #crypto_liabilities