Roger Ver at Webx Asia: Reflections on Payments, Self-Custody, and the Role of Crypto Lawbreakers - When asked whether he’d rather be called a “bitcoin evangelist,” or “Bitcoin Jesus... - #darknetmarketplace #blocksizedebate #economicfreedom #webxconference #cryptoanarchy #voluntaryism #bitcoincash #libertarian #regulations #government #marijuana
#marijuana #government #regulations #libertarian #bitcoincash #voluntaryism #cryptoanarchy #webxconference #economicfreedom #blocksizedebate #darknetmarketplace
#DarkFi és un nou projecte de #blockchain que proposa aplicar la tokenització per l'alliberament col·lectiu amb (i del) #ProgramariLliure
L'estètica ciberpunk anime no hi juga a favor, però la proposta és molt més interessant del que sembla: #CryptoAnarchy
#DarkFi #blockchain #programarilliure #cryptoanarchy
Where Are the Crypto OGs? — Taxation Is Theft, but Joe Biden Needs Ice Cream Money - Bitcoin was once viewed as a means to opt out of violent, legacy financial systems... - #economicsovereignty #bitcoinwhitepaper #economicfreedom #satoshinakamoto #taxationistheft #libertarianism #permissionless #cryptoanarchy #bitcointaxes #genesisblock #non-violence #peer-to-peer #voluntaryism #monero
#monero #voluntaryism #peer #non #genesisblock #bitcointaxes #cryptoanarchy #permissionless #libertarianism #taxationistheft #satoshinakamoto #economicfreedom #bitcoinwhitepaper #economicsovereignty
"If one of the complaints about Big Tech and Big Government is that they are insufficiently accountable for their misdeeds, can we not levy the same critique against the technologists?" #encryption #cryptoanarchy #fascism #signal
#encryption #cryptoanarchy #fascism #signal
#copyright has nothing to do with creativity, incentive, just desserts, fruits of labour or any other element of the moral, free market.
It is a creature of the State, the Vampire’s little bat. And, as far as I’m concerned, the word should be copywrong.
~Samuel Edward Konkin III (1986)
#sek3 #anarchism #agorism #cryptoanarchy #countereconomics #copywrong #noip #abolishIP #copyleft #opensource #freeinformation #righttorepair #sharing
#copyright #sek3 #anarchism #agorism #cryptoanarchy #countereconomics #copywrong #noip #abolishIP #copyleft #opensource #freeinformation #RightToRepair #sharing
Tornado in the Coal Mine — How Globalists Plan to Penalize Privacy and the Poor
#CanaryintheCoalMine #WorldEconomicForum #AustrianEconomics #PrivateLawSociety #CapitalControls #FinancialCrisis #TaxationisTheft #climatechange #cryptoanarchy #Peer-to-peer #Voluntaryism #BarackObama #CryptoMixer #KlausSchwab #Policestate #Tornadocash #FreeMarket #globalists #Government #GreatReset #israel
#CanaryintheCoalMine #WorldEconomicForum #AustrianEconomics #PrivateLawSociety #capitalcontrols #FinancialCrisis #taxationistheft #climatechange #cryptoanarchy #peer #Voluntaryism #barackobama #cryptomixer #klausschwab #policestate #TornadoCash #freemarket #globalists #government #greatreset #israel
“A lot of people actually get [free-market anti-capitalism] … because a lot of the folks that are in #crypto understand institutional distrust and regulatory capture.”
-Jahed Momand / @jahed
@rogermexico #AllPowerToTheImagination #anarchism #cryptoanarchy #agorism #anticapitalism #cryptocurrency #daos #blockchain #publicgoods #futurism #tech
#crypto #AllPowerToTheImagination #anarchism #cryptoanarchy #agorism #anticapitalism #cryptocurrency #DAOs #blockchain #publicgoods #futurism #tech
@ru @rf #cryptoanarchy #svetov что-то очень интересное. Полностью открытое, децентрализованное, использует Tor v3 onion services.
Сервер на Go (хорошо), клиент на Dart/Flutter (очень хорошо). Ну а скрины всем телегодрочерам должны понравиться
"Let's play a game, to help some of the newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same."
#cryptoanarchy #cycling #traveling #cyberhoboing #nomadlife #linux
#cryptoanarchy #cycling #traveling #cyberhoboing #nomadlife #linux