#Twitter / X# is a #garbage #heap now
9 spam comments from #scammers and #cryptobros and a "#message #request" of #spam #groups if I ever #login
They should just take it #offline at this point.
#twitter #garbage #heap #scammers #cryptobros #message #request #spam #groups #login #offline #ijustwishpeoplewouldmoveonalready #ramblingsalcea
"Nice electric grid.
Be a shame if something happened to it ..."
I'm so tired of #broculture. You've got #techbros, #spacebros, #cryptobros, #coinbros, #financebros; one for almost every aspect of #capitalism. These types throw around a lot of jargon that they do not even understand themselves just to look smart. In the end they sound like douche clowns.
#broculture #techbros #spacebros #cryptobros #coinbros #financebros #capitalism
#CryptoBros wollen die Welt retten und alles soll super und toll werden.
tl;dr auch hier spielt natuerlich #Kapitalismus #Klassismus und der immer noch anhaltende Glaube an ein grenzenloses System eine Rolle.
#Klassismus #kapitalismus #cryptobros
Wenn sogar die #CryptoBros Zweifel hegen … 🤡
"ChatGPT-Schöpfer Sam Altman hat mit #Worldcoin und der World ID ein neues Projekt. Die Bedenken sind erheblich – nicht nur bei Datenschützern, sondern auch in der Kryptowelt."
@PSiReN@syzito.xyz @selzero@syzito.xyz @PSiReN@vmst.io @selzero@vmst.io Too late to vote. The #CryptoBros for sure.
This is why the #CryptoSpace is almost exclusively #CryptoBros because I'm convinced that any female person that is known in that space had at least one #DickPic of any kind dropped non-consentially into their wallet...
#dickpic #cryptobros #cryptospace
So imagine if shitheads like the beyond - #StochasticTerrorism & #Hategrooming Forum #KiwiFarms weren't a bunch of kids in their moms basement but rich #CryptoBros that had more #Ethereum than #IQ AND their victims had known #NFT wallets...
Or as #DanOlson said:
"Wounderful new vectors of harrasment!"
#DanOlson #NFT #IQ #ethereum #cryptobros #kiwifarms #hategrooming #stochasticterrorism
Gruss an die / Greetings to the #CryptoBros - "You won't escape the #Matrix by joining a #pyramidscheme "
#cryptobros #matrix #pyramidscheme
I’m apparently getting into it with #cryptobros apparently because I said the cardinal sin that #blockchain doesn’t make sense for everything and that #ActivityPub and the #fediverse is a better approach. There’s this #Deso blockchain based social media and I can’t help but ask many questions about it and other #cryptocurrency options. Don’t get me wrong I like cryptocurrency but it’s not the solution to every tech problem and they make it sound like I insulted their mother
#cryptobros #blockchain #activitypub #fediverse #deso #cryptocurrency
Wygląda na to, że mamy w #Gentoo #CryptoBros (jest na polskie słowo?) i wyrażają niezadowolenie z mojej "komunistycznej propagandy".
I mean there's a reason why I won't put the #PocketCrypto on the #Helium network, because it'll be an #Enshittification and #ValueRemoving compared to even regular #ISM-Bamd Radio like 27MHz CB.
Also #CryptoBros plugging #Shitcoins are the most annoying kind of #TechBros!
#techbros #shitcoins #cryptobros #ism #valueremoving #enshittification #helium #PocketCrypto
Okay, we’ve established that the US military gave #Ukraine its leftover munitions and equipment then sat back and watched #Russia deplete its inventory and get stuck in a quagmire.
The #cryptobros, #muskstans, and #Qtards on twitter want me to believe that this coup was planned by the #CIA to distract everyone from hunter biden.
Oh, and #Prigozhin and #Putin split the money.
Imma need y’all to invent a new word because gaslighting isn’t quite strong enough to describe this for me.
#ukraine #russia #cryptobros #muskstans #qtards #cia #prigozhin #putin
Supercilious and Grift on how to spend your trust fund.
No really how they will spend YOUR trust fund. And your parents' retirement fund.
And anybody else's they can get their Philips Andover and Columbia University educated grabby little hands on.
#Cryptobros sind so schlimm wie Sektenmitglieder. Das Konzept von #Kryptowährungen ist ja ganz nett, wird aber nie in Realität umgesetzt werden. Alleine schon deshalb nicht, weil der Mensch gierig ohne Ende ist. Wer #Kryptowährung als Zukunft sieht, weil der #Finanzmarkt stärker überwacht wird, hat vergessen, dass die #Blockchain vollständig öffentlich einsehbar ist.
Der Mensch verursacht auf eine Art und Weise immer einen Abdruck, egal wie sicher man sich mit Bargeld, Tor, oder Crypto fühlt.
#blockchain #finanzmarkt #Kryptowahrung #kryptowahrungen #cryptobros
Oh great, now #CryptoBros are "#disrupting" the #Refurbished #IT market by scalping #used Mini #PC's and #ThinClients to do their #Shitcoin #scam|s...
#NotCool #Scam #shitcoin #thinclients #pc #used #IT #refurbished #disrupting #cryptobros
@sam Again, #BlueSky is just for #Twitter exiles that have severe #StockholmSyndrome and love #CryptoBros.
Cuz there's literally NOTHING that #bluesky does better that any other #ActivityPub software - not only but including #Mastodon - already does better, more scalable, more reliable and more efficient by a long shot.
#Mastodon #ActivityPub #cryptobros #StockholmSyndrome #Twitter #bluesky
Today is the first and only day I‘ll ever be interested in receiving crypto spam. For a moment I thought I wasn’t active enough on #Mastodon to warrant it and thus was lonely and ignored.
Well gm from those bozos as my crypto spam was just received. Now go die in fire 🔥 you grifters! Your spam is ngmi