The Comedy of Errors That Let China-Backed Hackers Steal Microsoft’s #SigningKey
After leaving many questions unanswered, #Microsoft explains in a new postmortem the series of slipups that allowed attackers to steal and abuse a valuable #cryptographic key.
#privacy #security #encryption #china
#China #encryption #security #privacy #cryptographic #Microsoft #signingkey
Once a #cryptographic #cipher is successfully broken and meticulously documented, its veil of #security becomes irreparably compromised.
ROT13 - Out Now
/// Gur shegure n fbpvrgl qevsgf sebz gehgu gur zber vg jvyy ungr gubfr jub fcrnx vg. - Bejryy ///
#chipwave #chiptune #chip-hop #cyberpunk #dystopia #technology #encryption #privacy #music #cinematic #synthwave #newmusic
#cryptographic #cipher #security #chipwave #chiptune #chip #cyberpunk #dystopia #technology #encryption #privacy #music #cinematic #synthwave #newmusic
UK Researchers Claim New Tech Supercharges Bitcoin Mining With 260% Faster Hash Detection, Slashes Energy Use - Quantum Blockchain Technologies (QBT), a research firm hailing from the U.K., purp... - #quantumcomputing #machinelearning #bitcoinmining #cryptographic #energy-saving #breakthrough #deeplearning #logicalgates #blockchain #terahashes #btcmining
#btcmining #terahashes #blockchain #logicalgates #deeplearning #breakthrough #energy #cryptographic #bitcoinmining #machinelearning #quantumcomputing
"Microsoft says hackers somehow stole a cryptographic key, perhaps from its own network, that let them forge user identities and slip past cloud defenses." #microsoft #cryptographic #masterkey #hackers #cloud
#cloud #hackers #masterkey #cryptographic #Microsoft
#Microsoft says hackers somehow stole a #cryptographic key, perhaps from its own network, that let them forge user identities and slip past #cloud #defenses.
#defenses #cloud #cryptographic #microsoft
@Juro With #single-#use #cryptographic #hashes, we could still enable somewhat strong #anonymity together with strong human id #verification.
Learning from India’s Aadhar system, it is clear that a single #token isn’t good enough.
Perhaps something similar to blockchain, where you can mine some tokens that identify you. And you can throw away like wallets to escape tracking when you need to.
#single #use #cryptographic #hashes #anonymity #verification #token
And speaking of which:
Robert Hanssen died recently. He was seen as a #cryptographic and #computer expert- also seen as a #cybersecurity expert. But as it turns out- he was the ultimate threat.
I think also one of the lessons of #cybersecurity is understand that the experts themselves are the threat.
#cryptographic #computer #cybersecurity
I just want to send a encrypted decryption key that can’t be used to encrypt another message using the wrapKey of #subtlecrypto but I get unspecified errors all around. Guess tomorrow I will be spending time figuring out which combinations are allowed.
#subtlecrypto #browser #security #cryptographic #programming
Zero Knowledge Proofs (#ZKP) can provide #retailers with a powerful tool for ensuring #customerprivacy, enhancing #security, and improving the overall #customerexperience.
A #ZKP is a #cryptographic protocol in which one party, th…
#zkp #retailers #customerprivacy #security #customerexperience #cryptographic
For a #Cryptographic #AI #ImageProtection solution in the browser,
Create an #OpenSource javascript library that can take an encrypted asset and then decrypt it. Then render the image in a #HTML5 <canvas> tag.
I see two possible implementations:
1. #openkey system - meant to add a decryption step; it won't stop anyone who uses the same library to decrypt it. which requires willful intent to steal the image.
2. use a private system, and use auth or payment to release a key
#cryptographic #ai #imageprotection #opensource #html5 #openkey
#Cryptographic #AI #ImageProtection can work for a few reasons
1. declares an intent to protect
2. amplifies #copyright law around encrypted content
3. scrappers are usually simple, and this adds complexity at a different layer than the machine learning algorithm
4. #cryptography adds compute time to the process; how much depends on how dense the method is.
But #metadata and #microformats are also useful
#cryptographic #ai #imageprotection #copyright #cryptography #metadata #microformats
Ultimate #security for connected devices and #IoT systems: Combining quantum random number generator (#QRNG) technology and #cryptographic communication semiconductor technology into one security chipset. This next generation security chip provides the highest level of security for IoT and connected devices and unrivalled protection against hacking. Learn more:
#security #iot #QRNG #cryptographic
Wanna break #cryptographic whitebox implementations protected by external encodings? We're releasing Dark Phoenix, an open source implementation of the 2019 DFA #Attack paper by Amadori, Michiels and Roelse
Meme Coin Economy Swells by $5.8 Billion in Less Than a Month, Suggesting Demand for Meme Tokens Still High - The meme coin economy has grown significantly over the past 27 days, increasing 34... - #marketcapitalization #marketsandprices #memetokeneconomy #statisticaldata #cryptographic #pomeranianeth #third-largest #babydogecoin #marketaction #memeeconomy
#memeeconomy #marketaction #babydogecoin #third #pomeranianeth #cryptographic #statisticaldata #memetokeneconomy #marketsandprices #marketcapitalization
A group of #Swiss researchers have published an impressive #securityanalysis of #Threema.
"We provide an extensive #cryptographic analysis of Threema , a Swiss-based #encrypted #messaging application with more than 10 million users and 7000 corporate customers. As one example, we present a cross-protocol attack which breaks authentication in Threema and which exploits the lack of proper key separation between different sub-protocols. [...]"
#swiss #securityanalysis #threema #cryptographic #encrypted #messaging #cybersecurite #ibexprotocol
LE SPHINX was a pocket #cryptographic device, developed around 1930 by Société des Codes Télégraphiques Georges Lugagne in #Paris ( #France ). The device consists of 10 sliding bars with two scrambled #alphabets each, and should therefore be classed as an alphabet transposition #cipher . At the time, it was advertised as a method for #secret writing when sending ( #radio ) #telegrams .
#cryptographic #paris #france #alphabets #cipher #secret #radio #telegrams #telegraphe #chiffrement #cryptographie #belobjet
I’ve been doing some basic research on email #security the last couple days, and just came across this lovely blog post about #DKIM #cryptographic assurances lasting way long than intended. It’s a pretty great “intro to DKIM” read! From 2020!
#security #dkim #cryptographic
I would like to find a #cryptographic technique that would allow Alice and Bob to exchange messages.
Each message is written in a simple defined language.
I want; syntactic correctness of both messages to be essential to the decryption of each message, and that the timestamps of both be near-enough for them to be considered to have passed each other in flight.
Please help me to find code where this already exists? I am struggling.
#CryptoGuard is a high-precision tool used for detecting #cryptographic application programming interface misuse. In this article #researchers explore the needs and challenges of deployable #security #research:
#cybersecurity #privacy #stem #tech
Originally posted by IEEE ComputerSociety / (Wed, 04 Jan 2023 17:31:01 GMT)
Referenced link:
#cryptoguard #cryptographic #researchers #security #research #cybersecurity #privacy #stem #tech
so i saw this here #kitty
and it got me thinking about #compression and #cryptographic #algorithms
and how much more fun they would be if they were #cat themed
purretty good purrivacy? #PGP #GPG
furball instead of #tarball?
ohhhh... remember #cryptocat?
#tarball #cryptocat #cryptographic #algorithms #pgp #gpg #kitty #compression #cat