Last week review 35-2023 with Cryptomator vs. Veracrypt and patches for Apple devices
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #encryption #veracrypt #cryptomator #ipad #patch #ios
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #encryption #VeraCrypt #cryptomator #ipad #Patch #ios
Wochenrückblick 35-2023 mit Cryptomator undVeracrypt und Patches für Apple Geräte
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #encryption #veracrypt #cryptomator #ipad #patch #ios
#petermarbaise #tuxoche #encryption #VeraCrypt #cryptomator #ipad #Patch #ios
I used to use #BoxCryptor as an overlay on #OneDrive to have TNO using my existing cloud storage. #DropBox bought BoxCryptor and discontinued it. I am looking into #Cryptomator as a replacement. Anybody have experience with it?
#boxcryptor #onedrive #dropbox #cryptomator
Thank you so much for your contribution @purejava, I'm now using #Cryptomator v1.10.0-Beta2 on my machine. Starting with this version, Cryptomator is now finally awesome integrated into the system tray on Linux 😍.
Hey #Quarkus bubble, We are currently experiencing a caching issue (the 'Last-Modified' response header is set to Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT) in native image builds, non-native images have a recent date in the 'Last-Modified' header. You can read more about our issue at
Perhaps you have a tip for us?
Cryptomator Security-Update 1.9.3 verfügbar
1st day, my #49euro ticket and straight to #Konstanz to visit friends. Feels good.
Thanks #Cryptomator and @cryptomator 😘
#49euro #konstanz #cryptomator
Bah non Billoute, c'est pas un ransomware, c'est #cryptomator qui chiffre mes données privées sur ton #onedrive
Rilasciata la versione 1.9.2 di #Cryptomator, l'applicazione gratuita e #OpenSource che permette di creare e gestire cartelle criptate ("casseforti") sul proprio computer.
Ideale per chi volesse caricare sul cloud i propri file avendo la certezza che nessuno potrebbe accderevi.
#cryptomator #opensource #crittografia #cloud
Sebastian Stenzel released #Cryptomator version 1.9.2.
I've been using #cryfs encrypted bare #git repositories to keep my personal repositories synced between my computers. It looks like the number of files/directories in cryfs impacts performance with bare repositories - a. #cryptomator crashed on Linux b. switching to #cryfs works fine on a single computer, but synchronization of the changed files giving me some issues.
I'm not very excited about switching to #encfs due to security issues, but I'm going to switch my bare repositories for now.
#cryfs #git #cryptomator #encfs
Speaking of #encryption/ #encrypted filesystems, I use the following: #cryfs #encfs (less secure, only when I have to) #cryptomator #veracrypt .
#cryptomator has cross-platfotm support, including #android (paid) and #windows (used at work).
However, it crashes handling bare git repositories for my #obsidian git upstream, so I can only use it for low traffic/file encryption.
I really like cryfs - great performance on #linux for my needs. No good UI though... 1/2...
#encryption #encrypted #cryfs #encfs #cryptomator #veracrypt #android #windows #obsidian #linux
I'm currently having problems with Cryptomator. I use a Linux Mint distro and I can't mount a vault. It's giving me an error that has something to do with "Fuse failing". Changed the file system to WebDAV, but the thing shows up blank when I enter the URL. Fortunately, the vault opens using Windows on a seperate machine, and immediately did a backup to prevent data loss.
#cryptomator #troubleshooting #troubleshoot #linux #linuxmint #pc
#pc #linuxmint #Linux #troubleshoot #troubleshooting #cryptomator
Cryptomator is suddenly giving me error when attempting to mount a vault on Linux. I was able to open it last night, and it worked fine testing it on Windows.
If anyone is knowledgeable about this stuff please tell me what to do!
Error Code 6HCL:2GTN:8714
org.cryptomator.integrations.mount.MountFailedException: org.cryptomator.jfuse.api.FuseMountFailedException: fuse_mount failed
Not bad write speeds for an external USB-C (10Gbps) NVMe drive and #Cryptomator #encrypted storage
@danyork @elizarde @Jen_Lee I store my #obsidian vaults in a #cryptomator vault in Dropbox and iCloud.
Die Reise mit #Linux geht munter weiter.
#Cryptomator und #LogSeq sind nun auch mit von der Partie. Gesynct wird mit meinem NAS.
Für längere Notizen/Texte verwende ich #Typora als #Markdown-Editor.
Zum Thema LogSeq hab ich auch ein paar Artikel, bei Interesse:
#linux #cryptomator #logseq #typora #markdown
@KopfKrieg @ralf_weinert #Joplin ist sicher eine gute Wahl :-) - E2EE bei Nextcloud ist - in Bezug auf Ordner - besser geworden, aber sicher noch nicht ideal. Ich nehme seit ein paar Jahren #Cryptomator - funkt auch mit der Nextcloud sehr gut (und auf dem Smartphone), ist aber eine zusätzliche App - und Du möchtest ja möglichst wenig Apps verwenden. - Web-Nextcloud-Notes hat sich gemausert mit SmartPicker, Backlinks, Anhängen - aber da müssen die mobilen Apps noch deutlich besser werden.
кто-то говорил что #cryptomator под андроид нет но вроде вот есть
Trochu jsem zkoušel #Cryptomator přes WebDav funguje dobře i pro #Nextcloud. Sice se musí zaplatit aplikace pro Android i pro Linux, ale vyplatí se. Aplikace v Google play má větší výběr cloudových služeb, než na F-droid, ale pro WebDav postačí instalace z F-droid.
#cryptomator #sobotni_tip
#cryptomator #Nextcloud #sobotni_tip