They’re still trying to ban #cryptography
#backdoors #ukpoli #signal #CryptoMeansCryptography #GameTheory #censorship #surveillance #FourHorsemenOfTheInfocalypse
#cryptography #backdoors #ukpoli #signal #cryptomeanscryptography #gametheory #censorship #surveillance #fourhorsemenoftheinfocalypse
New changes afoot in the world if cryptography.
EdDSA soon will be a FIPS standard in FIPS 186-5 and DSA will be used for verification only.
Time to review your crypto choices maybe, no not the coin ones!
#cryptomeanscryptography #cryptography
Only in this strange world is #SamBankman being let out on bail, which we all know as "the" guy who caused great harm to our whole world with a global #CryptoCurrency #scam yet the same exact #government decides to hold #peaceful people, who have not harmed anyone, known as the #CryptoSix in jail for months, such as @FTL_Ian
#SamBankmanFried #Crypto6 #CryptoMeansCryptography #SBF #SBF_FTX #Peace #NoHarm
#noharm #peace #SBF_FTX #SBF #cryptomeanscryptography #Crypto6 #SamBankmanFried #cryptosix #peaceful #government #scam #cryptocurrency #SamBankman
News from NIST that it's time to bid SHA-1 farewell. 7 years until it affects FIPS though so it may be a long goodbye.
Reminder to those still on MD5 to really let that go now too! 😂
#cryptography #crypto #sha #cryptomeanscryptography
I think you *should* be pro-crypto! It's one of the best ways to protect data and there are some great algorithms out there. Being a software engineer it's important to protect your, and your client's data. 😉
I hope every cryptocurrency company goes to zero value. I hope every cryptocurrency goes to zero value. Completely wiped out. If you're invested in one, I don't wish you harm, I wish you to exit your position. #cryptocurrency #cryptomeanscryptography
#cryptomeanscryptography #cryptocurrency
Sorry, but what you are referring to as "crypto" is actually "currencies" or "cyber-currencies" or "cyber-ponzi" if you will
The strange story of “Extended Random”
Or how the NSA -surprise!- covertly weakened #crypto...
Fascinatingly, the person who introduced this is now "Director, AWS applied crypto" at #Amazon!
Surprise, surprise!
#NSAmeansNationalScammingAgency #AmazonMeansCops
#crypto #amazon #cryptomeanscryptography #NSAmeansNationalScammingAgency #AmazonMeansCops
@jz I totally agree and been saying this for a while now, lol. I wish they'd stop calling cryptocurrency as "crypto"! Someone made some pins for Defcon one year saying #CryptoMeansCryptography , but I did not go so didn't get one.
Hack Sémantique/Mental #423
Les spéculateurs zélés des crypto-monnaies appelent leurs actifs/obsessions "crypto".
C'est trompeur, car "#crypto" signifie généralement "#cryptographie", une science utile ! Cela porte à confusion, en associant la cryptographie au jeu spéculatif de quelques privilégiés.
Pour équilibrer cela, j'ai décidé de ne qualifier les "crypto-monnaies" que de "monnaies", afin de souligner leur nature monétaire/financière.
Les mots sont importants.
#crypto #cryptographie #cryptomeanscryptography
Language/Mental Hack #423
Zealot speculators of crypto-currencies like to call their assets/obsessions "crypto".
It is misleading, as "#crypto" usually means "#cryptography", a useful science! It therefore brings confusion, associating cryptography with the speculative gambling of a few privileged people.
I decided that to balance that, i would only refer to "crypto-currencies" as "currencies", in order to emphasize their monetary/financial nature.
Words matter.
#crypto #cryptography #cryptomeanscryptography