I just wanted to take a short look at Threema’s new, supposedly secure, Ibex-protocol. But apparently they are so afraid of the cryptographic community ripping them a new one, that they don’t have a description of the protocol online. All the links on their website point to the same old garbage that the attacks by Kenny Paterson, Matteo Scarlata and Kien Tuong Truong [1] forced them to finally move away from. And it’s not like everyone was praising them before and that this would have been the first time someone publicly stated that their protocol was bad.[2][3]
@threemaapp: Please publish an updated white-paper or if you have done so update your website so that people can find it. I’m not interested in deciphering source-code for this.
#Threema #Cryptography #Crypto #Cryptomessenger #ITSecurity #Messenger
[1] https://breakingthe3ma.app/
[2] https://soatok.blog/2021/11/05/threema-three-strikes-youre-out/
[3] https://old.reddit.com/r/de/comments/khd9fz/threema_der_messenger_ist_ab_sofort_open_source/gglumaa/
#threema #cryptography #crypto #cryptomessenger #itsecurity #messenger
Krypto-Messenger: #Matrix-Gründer sieht Kernentwicklung in Gefahr | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Krypto-Messenger-Matrix-Gruender-sieht-Kernentwicklung-in-Gefahr-7444934.html #CryptoMessenger #MatrixMessenger #OpenSource
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Warum der Staatstrojaner keine gute Idee ist und das Verfahren beschämend für unsere Demokratie, erklärt zeitonline
#Überwachung #Verschlüsselung #CryptoMessenger #Staatstrojaner #Demokratie
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