The US War on Bitcoin/Crypto continues today with my sentencing for seven "crimes" with no victim, for which I face twenty years. The judge has been level headed so far. Will he buy the prosecutors' BS story about how mine is "the worst" type of crime? #cryptosix
Judge overturned my wrongful jury conviction for laundering $ for a drug dealer. We're now asking for a new trial as the jury was obviously tainted by the false drug dealing association. Sentencing still set for Monday.
Ian has announced some absolutely awesome news from judge La Plant: "I'm grateful judge Laplante saw clearly the dishonest 'money laundering' charge where I was convicted for a fake drug dealer IRS agent's purchase of BTC at a vending machine without my permission, shouldn't have been sent to the jury. One BS charge down, 7 to go! #cryptosix" Source:
I'm grateful judge Laplante saw clearly the dishonest "money laundering" charge where I was convicted for a fake drug dealer IRS agent's purchase of BTC at a vending machine without my permission, shouldn't have been sent to the jury. One BS charge down, 7 to go! #cryptosix
Full Transcripts from Ian's #cryptosix Jury Trial Now Available:
It took six months, but the full transcripts from the #cryptosix trial are now available for download. Fed courts won't allow video or audio, so this is as good of a record as will ever be available. Enjoy:
Please write to Aria while she spends up to 18 months in federal prison for a victimless paperwork "crime":
The date of my sentencing has been pushed back to August 17th, 10am. #cryptosix. If you still want to write a letter to the judge, instructions are here: You still have time, thank you.
The judge sentenced Aria to prison as a "deterrent", as though people selling Bitcoin p2p are paying close attention to what is happening in NH federal court. #cryptosix has gotten very little coverage in the crypto media.
NBC Boston's tenth part of their docu-series on @FreeStateNH is now online and it focuses on #cryptosix. It's very good; see it here:
I've received many kind letters from people all over the US. However, only a handful have come from inside New Hampshire. If you can spare some time to write a letter to the #cryptosix judge on my behalf, it would be appreciated! Details here:
Just found out my capital One credit card I've had for years and always paid on time has been canceled due to them "discovering adverse legal action". Amazing they even told me that much. #cryptosix
My KYC process was better than the banks who sent me buyers' money, but none of the bankers are facing prison.
The #cryptosix jury rejected freedom of religion & right to privacy, completely buying the prosecutors' manufactured story about me. We will be appealing all eight counts. This is not over yet. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive! <3
Only in this strange world is #SamBankman being let out on bail, which we all know as "the" guy who caused great harm to our whole world with a global #CryptoCurrency #scam yet the same exact #government decides to hold #peaceful people, who have not harmed anyone, known as the #CryptoSix in jail for months, such as @FTL_Ian
#SamBankmanFried #Crypto6 #CryptoMeansCryptography #SBF #SBF_FTX #Peace #NoHarm
#noharm #peace #SBF_FTX #SBF #cryptomeanscryptography #Crypto6 #SamBankmanFried #cryptosix #peaceful #government #scam #cryptocurrency #SamBankman
Bankman released on bail. Apparently he's not dangerous enough to be held in jail for months as @FTL_Ian and @nobody4governor were in the #cryptosix
I took the stand today in the #cryptosix trial because I did nothing wrong and harmed no one. Come out tomorrow for closing statements, 9am start at Federal Court Church in Concord, NH