@geekgonecrazy I call it Internet Brexit
I suggest buying a T-shirt like this one https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/Munitions_T-shirt_%28front%29.jpg
The #CryptoWars are back
Steven Levy: Almost 50 Years Into the #CryptoWars, Encryption’s Opponents Are Still Wrong
Attempts by the US and UK to require backdoors in secure messaging apps are a huge step in the wrong direction. Right now, we need more encryption, not less.
#Encryption #Privacy
#cryptowars #encryption #Privacy
"Export-grade ciphers" aka keys that are so weak we can crack them. #crypto #cipher #cryptography #cryptowars
#crypto #cipher #cryptography #cryptowars
Almost 50 Years Into the #Crypto Wars, Encryption’s Opponents Are Still Wrong
Attempts by the US and UK to require #backdoors in secure messaging apps are a huge step in the wrong direction. Right now, we need more #encryption not less.
#cryptowars #encryption #backdoors #crypto
Top 3 Crypto Daily News: US is losing the crypto talent war, Bitcoin NFT is larger than Solana NFT, Shiba Inu ecosystem tokens are hot #cryptowars #losing #bitcoin #nft #solana #shibainu $BTC $SHIB #ecosystem #crypto
#cryptowars #losing #bitcoin #nft #solana #shibainu #ecosystem #crypto
Und ewig schleichen die Überwacher...
Chatkontrolle: Spanien plädiert für EU-Verbot von Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Chatkontrolle-Spanien-plaediert-fuer-EU-Verbot-von-Ende-zu-Ende-Verschluesselung-9062428.html
#CryptoWars #Überwachung #Verschlüsselung #BigBrother #Orwell #Chatkontrolle
#cryptowars #uberwachung #verschlusselung #bigbrother #orwell #Chatkontrolle
Frage mich gerade, ob es eine Renaissance von #PGP geben und die private 1:1-Kommunikation in Händen der Endnutzer verschlüsselt werden wird?
Wie damals™️ in den frühen Zeiten der #CryptoWars. Diesmal nur on top von Instant Messaging wie bspw. Signal, WhatsApp, etc.
Matthias Monroy: @matthimon
30 years of #cryptowars:
The planned EU #chatcontrol regulation is the final enemy in the battle over #encryption to keep communication private:
#cryptowars #chatcontrol #encryption
Mass surveillance and the current crypto wars are a result of the fear of the ruling class, which knows that the social inequality can lead to an uprising of the working class. Therefore, it seeks to establish full control over the latter.
To end the cryptowars and mass surveillance, capitalism must be overthrown with a socialist perspective. Study the World Socialist Website: https://wsws.org
#MassSurveillance #Cryptowars #ChatControl #OnlineSafetyBill #KOSAAct #Capitalism #Socialism
#masssurveillance #cryptowars #chatcontrol #onlinesafetybill #kosaact #capitalism #socialism
Angriff auf #Verschlüsselung: Empörung über neue Vorstöße von USA und EU | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Crypto-Wars-Protest-gegen-neuen-transatlantischen-Angriff-auf-Verschluesselung-8798397.html #encryption #CryptoWars
#cryptowars #encryption #verschlusselung
🥊 "Privacy by Design" vs "Lawful Access by Design" 🥊
— Auf in die nächste Runde. Nächster Halt: EuGH.
Crypto Wars: USA und EU fordern Einbau von Klartext-Zugang in die Technik | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Crypto-Wars-USA-und-EU-fordern-Einbau-von-Klartext-Zugang-in-die-Technik-8335278.html #Datenschutz #privacy #Überwachung #surveillance #Verschlüsselung #encryption #CryptoWars
#cryptowars #encryption #verschlusselung #surveillance #uberwachung #privacy #datenschutz
Und ewig schleichen die Überwacher...
Crypto Wars: USA und EU fordern Einbau von Klartext-Zugang in die Technik | heise online
#CryptoWars #Überwachung #Verschlüsselung #privacy
#cryptowars #uberwachung #verschlusselung #privacy
Eine Schnittstelle zu Polizei Behörden in jeder App als Gegenstück zu Privacy by Design.
#datenschutz #cryptography #privacy #cryptowars
Press Release: A 40-year Step Backwards for Secure Communication
The UK government's Online Safety Bill wants to set back the state-of-the art for secure communication 40 years backwards. The proposal includes compulsory backdoors for communication platforms and wil
#Press #AthensAffair #CryptoWars #CryptoWars2.0 #DeepSec2023 #EUchatcontrolregulation #industrialespionage #OpenPGP #UKOnlineSafetyBill
#ukonlinesafetybill #openpgp #industrialespionage #euchatcontrolregulation #deepsec2023 #cryptowars2 #cryptowars #athensaffair #press
@westsideblogger #Cryptowars2punkt0 oder ist es 3.0?
Ich habe den Überblick verloren. 😒
#CryptoWars #Überwachung #Verschlüsselung
#Cryptowars2punkt0 #cryptowars #uberwachung #verschlusselung
So let's do this, shall we, @TexasObserver?
"Tomorrow some news orgs on the #Fediverse will share our best stories of the week using the hashtag #Newstodon!":
Missing Link: Why UK #Chatcontrol is so much like EU plans
A comparison with the EU regulation shows striking structural and methodological parallels as well as temporal and substantive ones. This is no coincidence.
#CryptoWars #Encryption #EuropeanUnion #GreatBritain #MissingLink
#fediverse #newstodon #chatcontrol #cryptowars #encryption #europeanunion #greatbritain #missinglink
Wer ein bisschen konzentrierte HIstorie zu #CryptoWars mag, der wird im Beitrag unten von #ErichMoechel fuendig.
#e2eEncryption #FiveEyes #Chatkontrolle
Turbulenzen um neue EU-Überwachungsverordnung
#Chatkontrolle #fiveeyes #e2eencryption #erichmoechel #cryptowars
#cryptowars #2342 #Chatkontrolle #zensur
Wir brauchen andere Politiker die nicht aus der pre-internet Zeit kommen.
#cryptowars #chatkontrolle #zensur
Missing Link: Why UK chat control is so much like EU plans
A comparison with the EU regulation shows striking structural and methodological parallels as well as temporal and substantive ones. This is no coincidence.
By @harkank
#Chatcontrol #CryptoWars #Dataprivacy #Encryption #Endtoendencryption #EuropeanUnion #GreatBritain #MissingLink
#chatcontrol #cryptowars #dataprivacy #encryption #endtoendencryption #europeanunion #greatbritain #missinglink
Going dark: Is encryption a threat to our security? The Swedish EU Council says yes.
But we say: Stop the #CryptoWars. Destroying everybody's #privacy will not increase #security.
Read here why: 👇
#cryptowars #privacy #security #goingdark