Under Dark Spires for #CryptsAndThings, has always had a back story. Being an #osr adventure, the players can engage in it if they discover it through play. It's always been vague. In the final stages of writing, it's now revealed itself :)
And among all the violence, dust and decay of the dying world of Zarth, it's a love story.
Finally getting some time to work on D101 stuff today in the midst of childcare over half-term and household chores, And what a lovely day it is! A quick dip into #SimpleQuest and #RebootTheFutureRPG stuff to get the final signed and sent versions out to backers. Then a nice afternoon of sorting out Under Dark Spires for #CryptsAndThings :)
#Simplequest #rebootthefuturerpg #cryptsandthings
A highly satisfying moment as a publisher, #CryptsAndThings, my little #BOSR Swords and Sorcery rpg has gone Platinum over at DriveThruRPG
I have a Community #TTRPG Discord, The Raspy Raven.
Here I organise games see below, on my profile is a link to join.
#MonsteroftheWeek #TheSprawl and more #PbtA
#YellowKingRPG playtest, Cassilda's Song
#OSR RPGs & #DragonWarriors @elevatedpachyderm
#OutoftheAshes @TheTweedmeister
#ReboottheFutureRPG #CryptsandThings @Newt_Newport
#TheDeeSanction #TheCthulhuHack @PaulBaldowski
Feb '23, a season of #Gumshoe RPGs. See the 😍 poster from @grahamroewe
#ttrpg #monsteroftheweek #thesprawl #pbta #YellowKingRPG #osr #DragonWarriors #rpgmashups #OutoftheAshes #rebootthefuturerpg #cryptsandthings #TheDeeSanction #thecthulhuhack #gumshoe