Malleus · @Malleus
205 followers · 1044 posts · Server

Of course, Hermetically speaking, crystals also fascinate by their dynamic properties. Energies in contact with Crystal structures are changed in accordance with the angles of the constituent atomic planes. A ray of light entering the stone does not remain the same. The same goes for a human soul.

#crystalalchemy #alchemy

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
205 followers · 1040 posts · Server

It is the regularity of crystal structures that make them so supportive, satisfying and comforting.
Our organic lives are fast, changing and unpredictable.
The power from crystals is partially derived from their stability and their ability to transfer some of it to us.

#crystalalchemy #alchemy #crystals

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
168 followers · 891 posts · Server

What is the Prima Materia in Alchemy?

Like most other alchemical symbols there are are various interpretations of the substance, or body known as the Prima Materia.

But without dismissing the obvious based on the term “prima" I think it’s safe to say it is whatever stands at the beginning of the alchemical transformation.

Sometimes referred to as the “lead”, it is the matter in need of transformation. The raw material of the process. The starting point.

An important aspect of the symbol is the fact that, although a common and readily available substance, it is of high intrinsic value. Sometimes this high value is hidden or veiled behind a common, ugly or negative appearance as the alchemical “black sun".

Since the transformation both refers to the matter under consideration and the alchemists themselves, the prima materia is the “natural person" or “body" prior to the spiritual change that occurs during the work.

Interpreted like this we can understand the high value attributed to the prima materia because the spirit, soul and body of the alchemist are once again reunited at the completion of the work.

If there's no(body) to begin with- there's no(body) resurrected.

A partial list of symbols for Prima Materia:
body, lead, Saturn, black sun, dirt, sand, mud, dung iron, toad, king, salt, wild beast, raven, ashes, darkness, anything ubiquitous,

#alchemy #primamateria #crystalalchemy #lead

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
161 followers · 836 posts · Server

Alchemical transformations typically take place a vessel of some sort. It may be a flask, bottle, crucible, cook pot or really anything. The vessel usually is round, or has some round aspect. Some are egg shaped.

A classic vessel is the retort. It is a round glass vessel with a downward pointed neck used for distillation operations.

My own vessel is a closed cylinder. The open end is the round component.

The characteristic of note when considering the vessel is its ability to keep the in-process products of the unfinished transformation from escaping before the desired changes occur.
Some of the symbols associated with the vessel are ball, globe, egg, womb, head or skull, apple, cup, lake, bowl, boat, jug or pitcher, barrel, basin, hole, can.

The symbols sometimes indicating the escaped products are birds, other flying or winged creatures, angels, clouds, wind, vapors and smoke.

#alchemy #crystalalchemy

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
158 followers · 825 posts · Server

Crystal power is the amplification of spectral energy by directing it through the atomic crystal lattice. The outermost layers of the lattice are the crystal faces. The faces set the initial angle of the penetrating energy waves.

#crystalalchemy #crystal

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
158 followers · 824 posts · Server

There's few things more delightful than a huge, clean, hard, well-formed,


#crystalalchemy #crystal

Last updated 1 year ago

Malleus · @Malleus
153 followers · 782 posts · Server

The following was composed from trances, inferences, improvisation and meditative study. It is a gift from my guide and deepest desire. Praise the Eyes of Ra!

Thousands of millennia after the Great Dissolution began the Universe looked very different. Gravity was no more and all matter was decomposed and its energy dissipated across the endless black. The eight remaining Universal spirits silently reigned over the infinite darkness. Nanet and her brother Nun ruled the endless waters. Keket and her brother Kek were masters of the enveloping darkness. Amanet and her brother Amun were lords of the encompassing clouds. Hehet and her brother Heh dominated the incredible expanses known as Infinity.

These eight beings honored as the Infinites wandered the empty planes abandoned by time. Feeling their way, they eventually found their counterparts amongst the shadows. Nanet was bound to Kek as the Flooding Darkness. Keket shared the eternal night with Nun as the Burning Waters. Amanet shared her dominion with Heh as the Buried Infinity. Hehet was joined with Amun as the Neverending Obscurity.

Cold and silent they wandered until each pair, seeking solace in each other, simultaneously embraced in the abyss of night. With this act the eight were fused in a flash of forgotten light into Kheper the uncreated one, the New Rising Sun.

Kheper is the Sun Sphere and its Motion in one. A single but dual being. It finds itself in the midst of the Heavenly Waters, inexorably moving, creating the boundaries of the horizon. The Sphere is Ra the golden, and the Motion is the Eyes of Ra- a different fabulous goddess for each degree of intensity in the ceaseless movement. These two aspects are the static and dynamic principles.

The Eyes of Ra create waves in the Heavenly Waters as they undulate. The waves in their turn ramify and become the four natural elements reborn into the universe. Set is the Fire of passion. Osiris is the Earth of acceptance. Isis is the Water of healing and Horus is the Air of intelligence. The mists finally clear and the Season of Ma’at begins as the cycle of Evolution is once again commenced to be repeated forever and ever.

Man and the divine soon find each other and thrive. The famous priest builds a monumental temple. He is deified as Thoth, master of language and wisdom.

He finds eight baby baboons in a corner of the temple and raises them as his own. A tradition carried on generation after generation. His descendants reign over mankind. Kings and queens tremble at his word.

One day, in the temple, Thoth finds no fruit to feed the baboons, now fully grown. They tear him apart and devour him. They leave the temple together, four sets of siblings bound in pairs. Their power increases each day. They give each other names and kingdoms. The temple is soon buried and forgotten. Thus begins again the season of Isfet, the Great Dissolution.  


#Hathor #alchemy #kemeticalchemy #goddess #crystalalchemy

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
151 followers · 771 posts · Server

Hi Mastobuds,
I haven't posted about my Alchemical practice lately so here's an update.

I'm close to a milestone. I have a few more symbolic interpretations of finished exposures from my apparatus until I reach the100th.

At that point I'll have a collection of one hundred oracles delivered by my goddess and guide . I have to start thinking of a format for this collection. I'll probably combine the text with the mystical Violograph images into a short book for my personal use.

When this phase is complete I'll replace the worn parts on the apparatus and start experimenting with the exposure medium. I'd like to make my own instead of using "store bought".

On the other hand, if it's not broke, why fix it? I'll have to meditate on this topic and see if she chimes in. Can the esoteric knowledge get deeper? Or will she be offended by my innovation?

At the same time, I also need to make some more of Grandad's medicine. I have raw material chemicals on the shelf and I want to process all I can then dispose of the leftover reagents. But first I need to get an exhaust fan and duct to ventilate my basement lab. The stuff smells atrocious when it's cooking!

#Hathor #alchemy #crystalalchemy #copperalchemy

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
146 followers · 656 posts · Server

I may have some time for reading here and there over the next few days. I've started my science book on crystal structure 3 or 4 times so I think I'll make it 5. I just need to not get discouraged because I can't "do the math". I need to read those equations like an Alchemist. It's what I've been training for. I need to look through the numerical symbols and into the substance. I need to feel the unmediated relations themselves.

#alchemy #crystals #crystalalchemy

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
136 followers · 552 posts · Server

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
This is because the orientation of the internal surfaces of the face planes direct amplified energy back into the eyes of the observer like a mirror. She becomes more powerful in gazing on them.


Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
112 followers · 386 posts · Server

Messages carved in stone. The crystals that power the apparatus I use have messages coded into their atomic lattice structure. The electrical energy and the mercurial forces emitting from the tube assembly transpose the message onto a medium swatch which can be read (red). This is the heart of Crystal Alchemy.

#crystalalchemy #alchemy #occult #madscience

Last updated 2 years ago