Fortune Apps-Crystal topping the list!
Catch the article, that showcases Crystal ranking higher than mainstreamers for specific data points collecting statistics for a research work at VSHN for the launch of a new software APPUiO Cloud by published author and trainer, Adrian Kosmaczewski. Hope you enjoy the read.😎
#crystallanguage #programming #projects #statistics
Catch all the exciting highlights from Crystal language and its community through the Crystal Newsletter, the 1st issue of which is now out and available to all!
Subscribe now for access to all the future editions,
#crystallanguage #community #newsletter
Crystal Newsletter First Issue: Subscribe Now!😎
Hello Crystalists,
The first issue of the Crystal Newsletter is about to be published in a few hours. The newsletter will give you a recap of all the recent highlights and insights on Crystal language, this would make Crystal news much more easily accessible to our amazing community.
Subscribe to it if you haven’t already,
#crystallanguage #community #newsletter
As an experienced Crystalist and Rubyist, here is what community contributor, Jamie Gaskins has to share about his experience working with “Crystal”.
What’s fascinating to learn is that Jamie is amazed by the simplicity of Crystal code even after using the language for about 6 years now. Hope you find this read interesting and are able to drive value from it.
Happy contributing Crystalists 😎!
#crystallanguage #community #rubyonrails
Announcing changes in the Crystal Steering Committee!
Juan Wajnerman, one of the original creators of Crystal language, has decided to move on with his personal projects. Beta Ziliani, currently leading the development of the language, would be filling in Juan’s position at the steering council.
We thank Juan for all the great work he has put in to Crystal and wish him the very best for all his future endeavours.You can read all about this change here,
Conference Update!
We are excited to announce the results of the community poll for the Conference and Meetup locations. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote for their location preferences, attached are the final numbers.
Kindly note that this analysis certainly will help us plan but it’s not necessarily binding. Watch out for this space for more news on the Conference and the meet-ups.
Happy contributing!😎
#CrystalLanguage #community #Conference #meetup
#crystallanguage #community #conference #meetup
Just got #CrystalLang on aarch64-linux all packaged up for #nix
Feel free to use it `nix shell github:crunchydata/nixpkgs#crystal`, but it's not a priority for me to maintain it outside of what I just need for myself.
I was hoping to get it more automatic with cross compiling, but gave up and just uploaded a hand cross built crystal.o and use that to bootstrap everything else. I imagine that this probably can keep building new versions for a while.
#crystallang #nix #nixos #crystallanguage
A few more hours to the poll....Submit your location preference now!
A few more hours to begin the weekend and so is the amount of time left to register your preference for the location where the next Crystal Conference or a Crystal meetup will be hosted.😎 Go ahead and vote if you haven't already,
#crystallanguage #community #conference #meetup
Happy to finally see Rubyists taking a look at Crystal. While it's not 100% Ruby, it's still very powerful for when you need to ship a binary, need strong typing, or to squeeze every last bit of performance out.
#ruby #crystallanguage
Conference and Meetup Update!
The form will stop collecting responses end of business day Friday, 19th May 2023 Eastern Standard Time.The results from the poll will aid the conference and meetup planning to give it an informed direction so please do not miss the opportunity of voting for your preferred location (one that you intend to attend). Here is the link to submit the response,
Happy Contributing! 😊
#CrystalLanguage #community #conference #meetup
#crystallanguage #community #conference #meetup
Trying to come up with a name for my Kemal/Sinatra-inspired #CrystalLanguage application framework for #Gemini. I first thought of "Gus", after one of the astronauts in the (space-related) Gemini-project, since it's a name of a person like the inspirations.
But 1) the main Gemini search engine is called GUS, 2) I couldn't backronym it :blobcatblep:
Also thought of "GAF" (Gemini Application Framework). But a bit too boring.
Maybe GemApF; although it reads like some swedish military acronym.
RT @CrystalLanguage
An amazing article by @deusinmach giving us a rundown of Crystal language from a newbie’s perspective,
We thank Diego for creating such an informative guide for our young programmers. 😊
#CrystalLanguage #community #DeusInMachina
#crystallanguage #community #deusinmachina
A Beginner's Approach to Crystal!
We often refer to Crystal as a language for humans and computers, here we have an amazing article by one of our community members giving us a rundown of Crystal language from a newbie’s perspective,
The article explains important aspects of Crystal and how to get started with contributing to the language. Thanks to @DiegoCrespo for creating an informative guide for our young programmers. 😊
RT @CrystalLanguage
Crystal 1.8.1 is released!
This release includes 3 changes since 1.8.0 by 2 contributors, thanks to the contributors for all the effort put into improving the language! ❤️
Find the details of the release here,
#CrystalLanguage #programming #release
#crystallanguage #programming #release
New Release on Crystal!
The first patch release for 1.8 series is now available with several bug fixes and improvements. This release includes 3 changes since 1.8.0 by 2 contributors. We thank the contributors for all the effort put into improving the language! ❤️ . The changes are fixes for minor regression bugs in the standard library.
Find the details of the release here,
#CrystalLanguage #programming #release
Happy Programming, Crystalists!
#crystallanguage #programming #release
An interesting read on "Dynamic Programming Algorithms"
Just came across this interesting article on Dynamic Programming Algorithms that should be known to every competitive developer. Use this amazing read to improve your understanding of the algorithms and approach challenges in programming in a dynamic fashion.
Happy Programming, Crystalists!
#CrystalLanguage #programming #developers #algorithms #community
#crystallanguage #programming #developers #algorithms #community
RT @CrystalLanguage
Crystal was introduced at the Nepal Ruby and Rails User Group on 11th April 2023 by @BetaZiliani through the topic, "Getting to know Crystal". Here are a few glimpses from the meetup. Interested folks can catch the whole session here,
Crystal was introduced at the Nepal Ruby and Rails User Group on 11th April 2023. This was our 1st meetup for Asia with the introductory topic, "Getting to know Crystal: A language for humans and computers" by Crystal Team Lead and Product Manager, @beta. Here are a few glimpses from the meetup.
Interested folks can catch the whole session here,
#CrystalLanguage #programming #community
#crystallanguage #programming #community
RT @CrystalLanguage
Crystal 1.8.0 is here!
Crystal has a new release with several bugfixes and improvements: If you find an issue, please file a bug after checking the issue tracker, it will be fixed in the following patch version.
#CrystalLanguage #programming #community
#crystallanguage #programming #community
RT @CrystalLanguage
Crystal 1.8.0 is here!
Crystal has a new release with several bugfixes and improvements: If you find an issue, please file a bug after checking the issue tracker, it will be fixed in the following patch version.
#CrystalLanguage #programming #community
#crystallanguage #programming #community